Fiction Awards 2019

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Hey guys, it's been a while since I updated here, yeah?

I just want to announce that the Fiction Awards 2019 is open and I would like for my stories to win.

And for that to happen, I need you to nominate my stories in the category "Romance", "Spiritual" or "General Fiction".
Romance is the current genres of my storied but I feel they could also go for spiritual and General Fiction.

All you have to do is search for the Fiction Awards 2019, read the instructions carefully, then nominate my stories and tagging me also. It very simple.

Please, let's prove that a small stories with a few reads could win because they're embodied with so much to win the Award.
My books are :
2) When Love Dies
3) When Love Returns

My username name is @Osaro_Oghadeva

Hurry now, time is running out. Shout out to @SherikaLabeach8 for nominating already. Love you!

You too can do much more. Please help me win.
Thank you so much in advance

PS. I'll place something pictures on how to nominate in case you still do not understand.

I look forward to seeing notifications of your nominations. Thanks again!


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