Chapter 25

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Thanks to @xxMissKittyCatxx for being the first of my followers on wattpad to follow me on Instagram and Snapchat. Your continuous support is something I can't ignore. Once again, Thank you so so much !


Adrian's POV

I stood at the door, hopelessly staring at her. I knew she was beautiful but looking at her tonight, I undoubtedly believe she is the most beautiful woman in the planet. The yellow sundress gave her skin a glow, I gave myself a thumbs up for the right choice of colour. Summoning courage, I entered the room, holding the bouquet of roses.
The musicians played quietly when I entered the room. Clearing my throat, now is the moment. But before I could speak, she rushed towards me and hugged me with ardor.

"Oh Adrian, this is amazing. What you've done for me tonight, is beyond brilliant and romantic. Thank you so much!"
She said, I held her, not letting go.

"Here. I believe these roses belong to no one but you." I said, handing over the flowers to her.

She had a glimmer of tears on her face, on impulse, my hands reached up to wipe her tears away. She closed her eyes at my touch and I wished I could capture this moment on camera, to stare at it always.

"Dance with me." I motioned for the musicians to keep playing, this time a little louder. I moved my hands to her waist, she placed her hands on my neck and together we swayed to the music.

"Thank you for this Adrian. You've made me so happy. I can't even describe how I feel." She whispered in my ears a few minutes after.

"Shh! Don't mention it." I whispered back. An idea popped into my head. I asked the singer to stop singing, took both of her hands in mine and began to sing to the lyrics of what they were playing. The song is an old Portuguese country love song titled "A Mulher de minha vida" translated as "The woman of my life". I've never been a good singer and I was sure I sang most off-key lines but the look on her face was that of awe. When I finished singing, they all clapped, including her.
After that, I gave them permission to leave, needing to be alone with her. She followed them to the door, thanked them and gave each one a hug, promising to invite them when she was in need of their services. Trust her to be friendly with everyone she meets. She didn't even know them for Pete's sake.

After they left, she walked up to me and smiled.

"I never would have pegged you as a singer. You did remarkably well." She praised me. I knew she just wanted to make me feel better about myself because I couldn't sing even if my life depended on it. Instead of calling her to it, I decided to go with the flow.

"Anything for you. I'd even dance naked on a counter for you." I said, winking.

"You wouldn't dare!" She was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Of course I will. I can even do it now. Although there's no counter here. The table over there will do." I said, jokingly fiddling with the buttons on my shirt. This made her laugh.

I love the sound of her laugh. The way she raises her head and the sound flows out lovingly.

God! I'm falling so hard.

About to confess everything to her, the sound of a knock on the door erupted.

"Adrian, what have you planned this time around. You're spoiling me too much." She said, grinning.

Yes, and I intend to do that for the rest of my life.

"Chill babe, its just the Caterers."
And their wrong sense of timing. I should be telling her everything but they had to show up now. With glee, she rushed off to open the door and the caterers trooped in. They greeted us and hurried to the table arranging the food.
Glancing back at Isi, I saw the happiness radiating from her and vowed to make it radiate forever. Moving towards her direction I reached to her and held her hand, it seemed I was getting addicted to her. We walked to the table after the caterers left and I dragged out the chair for her to sit before doing the same across her. I opened the bottle of the non alcoholic wine, she hadn't fully recovered yet so alcohol was out of the picture. I tasted it to know it's quality and then poured the substance into our glasses.

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