Good News!

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I've got good news.

BREATHE has been nominated for the Galaxy Awards.

Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

And I want this story to win.

You can be a part of my success.

All you have to do is check the search panel (that is, the place you search to find books to read)
Type Galaxy Awards by @1versionofpoppy, click on it, go to the last/latest update, click on the comment panel and type "I vote for BREATHE by (mention my name, that means, tag me,  the author)because...(say why you love the story).

For example,

"I vote for BREATHE by @Osaro_Oghadeva because it is intriguing and captivating. A masterpiece!"

Do something similar to this and your vote will be counted.

Please vote.

Remember; Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.

Help me through this and you'll create a pathway for people to help you in return, not only on wattpad, but life in general.

Shout out to all those who have been with me from the beginning till now. You guys rock my world!
May you also be supported in all you do in Jesus name. Amen.

The silent readers (those who read but don't comment or vote) here is a chance for you to get out of your shells.

Vote vote vote at the Galaxy Awards.

It also doesn't stop here.

Please tell your friends and followers to just take about ten minutes of their precious time to vote for BREATHE at the Galaxy Awards.

PS. You can also save the Galaxy Awards on your library so you will get updates on what to do next.

Thank you.

I love you all always.


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