Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to hammy5718 for your constant and great insights to the story through your comments. Thank you so much. Readers enjoy... Please vote vote vote and comment. Thank you!

Adrian's POV

My brother and I arranged a party the next Saturday which was my dad's birthday. We intended for it to be a fun event and also use his medium for our charity and connect those who would like to be a part of the sponsorship committee. I asked Isi to be my date for the night and she agreed. I was beyond pleased. I wanted us to wear similar outfits so I decided to go shopping with her.

On Thursday the following week, I was informed that Roberto had given the employees he invited for the party, two days off work to prepare, I rushed over to her place on a bright day. I decided to drive myself for the day. So I chose my black Lamborghini which I got as a partnership gift from one of my wealthy clients. I drove speedily to her house. I rang the bell twice and she opened looking surprised, her hair was tousled, she had a drool on her face, she wore a pink coloured pajama. With all these, she still looked more beautiful and I couldn't help myself but to get a taste of her. I drew her to me and kissed her. It was a kiss of longing. I wanted her to know how much I missed her. She kissed me back with the same motion and I realised the feeling was mutual. We both missed each other. We parted when we had to come up for air.

"Good morning girlfriend, did you sleep well?" I asked, panting.

"Yes I did." She answered. I walked into the house, took a seat and told her the reason why I came.

"Take a shower, get dressed and eat. You're going shopping with me."

"Shopping? But why?" She asked, clearly surprised.

"You're my date to the birthday party, remember? We need to get matching outfits." I tried to explain.

"Oh! Okay. Let me get prepared. Have you eaten?" I shook my head and then she continued, "I've got some jam, peanut butter, jelly, bread and some fruits. Go and eat. Okay?"

"Nope. I'll wait for you. Its a beautiful morning and I want to eat with my girlfriend. So dress up quickly."

"Okey dokey." She hurried into her room to get dressed. While she did so, I sat down to text my secretary to handle the office for the day because I won't be going to work. She replied, saying she would do as I instructed.
Isi came in about twenty minutes later. She wore a black sweat shirt, a black jean trouser that was ripped at the knees and a pair of blue sneakers. She looked badass. I commented that she looked beautiful and she blushed and thanked me.

We both had our breakfast of sandwiches, fruits and coffee. We ate in a hurry because I didn't want us to be late. After we ate, we decided to leave. I hurried over to the passenger side of the car and opened it for her to go in. Before she entered, she blew me a kiss and whispered "Thanks babe". I was over the moon by her words.

"If I get to enjoy these sweet gestures from you for doing gentlemanly things, then I'm willing to do it forever." I said and this made her grin.
We drove downtown and I took us both to Rafael's place. Rafael was a friend I met five years ago at a gala. We stumbled on each other and he spilled his champagne on me. He apologized and then we became friends. He was the one who designed all my suits.

"Hello, Adrian, its so good to see you. You haven't been here in a while now. Ah!" He said turning over to Isi, " I guess this must be what has been distracting you from coming here. Hi! I'm Rafael and you must be special considering this is the first time he has brought a lady here. It's nice to meet you." He talked with so much vigor, not pausing at all.

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