Chapter 7

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I'm less busy right now and decided to update.... To all lovers of this book... Enjoy!!! You can thank me later...!

Isi's POV

After I agreed to see Adrian at Tomé's party, I was sorta happy. It just felt surreal. I couldn't phantom the fact that I was gonna have dinner with one of Brazil's most handsome bachelors. But I still had doubts.

Everyone knows he is a philanderer. He never goes out with the same woman for a long time. I don't think he's ever had a girlfriend before. Will he be willing to make a difference? Well, only time will tell.

In the morning, I woke up to the sound of my damn alarm. This thing can wake the dead. I wanted to get more sleep so I shut the alarm and zoned out. About two hours later, I woke up to find my phone ringing.

Who could it be? Can't I just get more sleep?

Looking at the screen, I found Graça's name on it.

"Hello dear." I greeted.

"How are you? I know I woke you up judging by the sound of your voice and I'm sorry. I just wanted to know how it went between you and Adrian. You didn't tell me what his next plan of action was."

"Well, he came over to Tomé's house yesterday and asked me to dinner." I tried to explain.

"What? Girl seriously I told you he likes you. You've got to believe me." I knew she was overjoyed by this but I wasn't totally convinced.

"I still think you're wrong though because how can a guy whom we all know loves sleeping around, end up staying with one woman only? You need to reason this."

"Well whatever you say. I know what I know. Anyway, just call me later to give me the full gist of everything okay?"

"Okay I will. But I doubt there'll be much to tell. Take care of yourself. Love ya."

"Love you too dear." She hung up.

I made up my mind to do a little laundry and some other household chores since today is Saturday. After I did that, I took a shower and sat down to watch a Portuguese soap opera titled 'O gato do berço' meaning 'Cat's cradle' while eating some pretzels and a soda. My phone rang again three minutes later. Adrian called me to ask for the venue and judging by the way he sounded, I knew he was at work. I wonder what day he gets to rest seeing he works everyday including Sundays. Doesn't he go to church?

When the clock struck 6:30pm, I went into my closet to get dressed. I chose a blue peplum gown because blue will always be my favourite colour. I always felt bold and fierce in blue. I added a light make up, just a mascara, eye liner and a little foundation. I decided to use a red lipstick, I chose a pair of red heels and a red clutch. Looking at myself in the mirror, I knew I looked really good.

Getting to Margarita's restaurant was easy as a result of the GPS in my car and even if it didn't, I knew the place because I had been there once during an extensive lunch break at the office. The place was so comfy and cozy and I was drawn by the aura of serenity when I got to the table booked by Adrian. The waiter offered to get me something and I decided on a glass of water.

Thirty minutes later, with no sign of Adrian and me being hungry, I ordered a plate of chicken fettuccine and a sponge cake for desert. I've been taking a lot of junk food lately, I needed to start eating healthy. While I ate, I kept wondering if he would show up. After waiting for over two hours with no trace of adrian, I paid for my food (thank God I brought enough money with me instead of relying on him to pay), bade the friendly waiter farewell, and decided to go home.

On my way home, a lot of things crossed my mind.

Could it be that he suddenly realised that I was not worth it? Maybe he found another woman to be with. I should never have decided to give him a chance. Oh God! I feel so used and unwanted.

Immediately I thought of all these, I felt tears brimming in my eyes. I can't believe I was so stupid to think that he might like me even if it was just an ounce. I got home, brushed my teeth and took a shower. When I got to bed later that night, I cried myself to sleep.......

I went to church the following day and after praying to the Holy Spirit for his help and guidance, I felt a lot better than I did the previous day. Graça met me at the office on Monday to find out how things went. I explained to her in detail. She gasped in shock but later remembered to tell me that our boss, Roberto wasn't around and they could both be together on a business trip or out having fun. The last part about having fun made me livid. I needed something to vent my anger on. Graça noticed this and handed over to me the phone number of her childhood friend, Sebastian who was a fitness coach and owned a gym.

During the week, I called Sebastian to set a date with him the next Saturday since I was free that day. On Saturday afternoon, after doing a few home/office assignments, I went over to his gym and he taught me how to transfer all my aggression on boxing. We stayed late and decided to go to one of the local pizza parlor in town. Sebastian told me about his childhood and we immediately bonded as friends. I was amazed by the profound platonic friendship we had developed in such short period. After we left the pizzeria, he took me home in his car and offered to walk me to my door. I laughed at his gentlemanliness but was nevertheless pleased. He kissed my cheeks in a ticklely way and I laughed in delight. But the look on his face made me stop.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concern clearly written on my face.

"Who's the hot guy staring at me like I'm touching his property?"
He asked, looking at a particular dark place close to my house.

"I can't see anyone." I tried squinting but I couldn't see anything.

"Look straight up, you'll see him. Oh dear! I think he likes you. Is he your boyfriend? I have to go before something happens to me. I value my life. Take care of yourself honey, Bye."

With that, he scurried into his car and drove off, leaving me behind. I turned around and looked at the dark place again. There was car parked a few steps close to my house. I looked back at the dark place Sebastian glances at earlier. This time, I could make out the images clearly.

That's when I saw him, he was standing, holding a large bouquet of roses, shivering as a result of the intense cold. He had a look on his face----anger, jealousy, hurt,disappointment---- I couldn't understand the feeling. But one thing was for sure;

Adrian is back!

OMG...! I'm so in love with this chapter for the fact that I created it today and it turned out super cool and quite emotional. I'm sorry but it looks like I tend to write more on Isi's POV (over a thousand words). I'm a girl so I don't really know how to express the feelings of a man. But if you would like me to do more writing on Adrian's POV, please let me know in your comments. What do you think about this chapter? Please leave your comments below and remember to vote and share to the rest of your friends here on wattpad... Thank you..... Love you all!

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