Chapter 38

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Adrian's POV

It's been two days. Two days of not hearing a thing from her. I grew more worried each minute that passed. After Henry confessed everything, he fainted and was taken care of by the police clinic attendants. While he confessed, Leo recorded everything so that it would be used as an evidence in Law Court.

My brother and I did all we could to gather more information. We made contact with some of the foster parents who took care of Henry and Louisa but they had nothing much to tell other than stating that they were both mentally incapacitated.

I couldn't sleep nor eat. I only drank water and coffee to sustain myself. Right now, I'm currently in my study trying to fix the puzzle on Isi's location. The door bell rang and I hastily walked to see who was at the door.

It was my brother, Roberto.

"Hey man, I've been calling you nonstop but you didn't pick. I decided to come see for myself if you're still alive."

He hugged me and came inside the house.

"I'm so sorry. I've been in my study trying to get more information about Isi's whereabouts." I replied, scratching my head nervously.

"Speaking of that, I think I know where they kept her." He had a smug look and I knew he was telling the truth.

"Really? What are we waiting for? Let's go."

I couldn't my excitement, I retreated towards the stairs to get my car keys but he tapped me lightly on my shoulder.

"No, man. You can't go like this, until you've had something to eat. You look pale. Isi needs you to be healthy. I knew you wouldn't have eaten, so I brought you some spaghetti. Christina made it for dad and I and I decided to bring some for you."

He revealed a medium sized ceramic plate filled with food which I hadn't taken note of since he stepped in.

"I have no appetite. Let's just go."
I persisted.

"You can't win this time. It's either you eat or get nothing from me." He folded his hands and I knew he meant business. I finally surrendered.

I grabbed the plate from him and went to the kitchen to eat it quickly. Each moment wasted could mean more danger to Isi.

The food turned to be better than I expected and I ate it all up, contrary to my loss of appetite earlier.

When I was done, Roberto insisted that he drives considering the fact that I wasn't in a good condition to drive. I agreed and off we went.

"Where are we headed by the way?" I asked immediately when we hit the road.

"I got home last night and began to ponder on the whole case. I realized we hadn't contacted the last foster parents who relocated abroad with them. I called them this morning and they said when Louisa graduated from college, they came back here, in Brazil and lived in their biological parents' house. The house they were born. I believe that is where Isi is at the moment." He explained.

"I hope you're right because this is our last resort for now." I heaved a sigh and looked out the window.

We drove for hours and I was worried that we had missed our way but Roberto assured me that he knew where we were headed.

"How do you know the exact address and direction anyway?" The curious part of me wanted every detail.

"They gave me the address and I made use of GPS, silly." He teased.

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