Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to @larhmiday for constantly voting for this story BREATHE. Thanks for your support. I appreciate!

Isi's P.O.V

After my ordeal with Adrian, I was a bit drained—physically and emotionally—I never intented to bump into him. I was busy trying to figure out things relating to work.

Of all the nerves, why would he think I did it on purpose? Indirectly calling me a whore and gold digger didn't help matters either. I've never met a man who was this infuriating and egotistical. Thank God Roberto was there so it wouldn't be that I was unnecessarily rude.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to say a short prayer.

"Dear Lord, I don't know what's happening so far but I know you are with me. See me through all these in Jesus' name. Amen."

Feeling better I decided to get back to work although I couldn't clearly concentrate. A few hours later, there was a knock on my door "Come in." I said loudly enough for the person outside to hear.

Graça the secretary in my office floor and now best friend, walked in.

"Girl how are you? I heard about what happened between you and Adrian today but I still need to hear from you in details."

I told her everything in a nutshell.

"You did the right thing!" She praised me "I can't believe he actually had the nerve to insult you that way. But on the other hand, he is a sweet fellow when he wants to be. I have seen the way he talks to our boss and his father. Just try to get on the right track with him. Who knows, he might end up liking you."

I laughed at that. "Please I don't need him. I just want to do what I came to this country for; work. I don't need a domineering and opinionated man in my life right now." I retorted.

"Chillax! I'm not here to argue with you. Before I forget, I brought you some coffee. I need to get back to work. Here you go." she handed me the coffee.

"Thanks for this Graça. I'm so grateful. What would I do without you in this office?" I asked.

"You'll definitely get bored, resign and head straight to Nigeria without my help in your life."

We both laughed at her remark. She stood up to leave. After she left, I drank my coffee and pondered on what she said.
About thirty minutes later, there was another knock on the door. A young man who looks like the delivery guy came in with a bouquet of flowers and an envelope. I was mesmerized.

Who could it be? A secret admirer? I thought.

After he left, I peered into the large envelope and found a note.

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me. Let's start over again. Dinner?

In disappointment and rage, I tore the paper. After all the trash he brought out from that filthy mouth of his, he decided to insult me more by asking me to dinner? What an asshole! This is exasperating. I would rather eat with snakes than have dinner with him at this point.

About two hours later, the same delivery guy came again. This time, he brought a box of chocolate. I could tell they were expensive and would really taste good. I am a chocolate freak! I mean what girl on earth will ever decide to hate it? But on impulse, I didn't eat it.

I called Graça into my office to seek friendly advice from her.
When she saw the presents and I told who they were from, she squealed much to my disappointment.

"I told you he likes you!" She exclaimed.

"No, he doesn't! Perhaps he's just looking for a new person to sleep with and dump. I won't fall for it." I interjected.

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