Chapter 28

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"We should learn to like or love, not crush on someone. Because everything that is crushed on gets grinded and ruined"
Osaro Oghadeva.
6th September, 2017.
[Coined from Taylor Swift's words]

Isi's POV

We drove in silence to his house. I have never been there before. I had only been to his family, the house him and his brother lived as children before moving out when they grew up.
The situation at hand is critical. Since I stepped into Brazil, I have never had an argument with anyone. I've always minded my business, so why would anyone decide to attack me?

I tried to think deep about it. Tried to see if I knew of anyone who had a bad blood towards me but couldn't find any.

"Here we are." Adrian's voice brought me out of my thoughts.
I looked around in shock I got out of the car. It was suite dark outside but the lights around, illuminated the place. The house, and its environment looked enormous. It looked like a fairytale kind of house.

"Wow, your house is beautiful."
I can't believe he lives here. Anyway, where else will a billionaire live?

"Thanks. I've lived for a couple of years. It has a stable, a pool, a football field, a lake and a large land that I still have no idea what to do about it. Come let me show you." He led me through the the mansion, down to the stable, which homed three horses, two black and a white horse. Some workers were scrubbing their bodies. After a long walk, he took me to the lake, the moon gave the place a magical setting. The sound of the water flowing calmed my nerves. The peace and tranquility of nature is golden. I wanted to stay there for a while but I still had to see the pool.

We walked back towards the mansion because he said the pool is located at the back of the house. It was sort of an Olympic size swimming pool, the water, beautiful.
After looking at it, he took me into the house. The whole place was swell and breathtaking. There was a staircase in the middle of the house and and a grand piano at a corner.

"Do you play the piano?" I asked.

"Yes. I started playing since I was a child. The sound of the piano reduces my stress." he replied.
I was amazed by the fact that he could play. He couldn't sing well but piano sounds good.

"I'm so beat. I need to take a shower and crash." I yawned out loud, not bothering to cover my mouth.

"Um, are... Are you staying with me or do you want be in another room?" He stuttered.

Being in the same room would be too much of a temptation and I wasn't ready for that kind of commitment.

"No. I'll rather be in my own room please." I replied and I saw a flash of disappointment written on his face before he covered it up.

"Come with me, let me show you your room." I followed him up the stairs and and on the wide passage, I saw about five awards with his name written on them. They were all tagged "Best Businessman in Brazil awards". Another list of accomplishments.

He opened a room which looked beautiful and comfy. I walked in and observed the place. It looked as comfortable as my room in my apartment.

"The bathroom is the door over there, there are also new sets toothbrushes and paste in there. The towels are in the closet. I'll be right back with some clothes." I nodded and he left. I rushed into the shower and bathed immediately, using a shampoo that smelled like him to wash my hair as well. I brushed my teeth and took two huge towels, one for my hair and the other for my body. I was just coming out of the closet when he stepped into the room.

"Sorry I came late. The detective called and we spoke for a while. He'll be here tomorrow. Here are my clothes. I don't have any females clothes available but I'll get you some tomorrow." He handed the clothes to me. It was a blue sweatpants and ash T-shirt. I collected the clothes, waiting for him to leave so I could wear them, but he just seemed rooted on the spot, staring at me.

"Adrian, can you leave so I could where the clothes you brought?" I asked politely.

"But you're my girlfriend, your body is mine and I'm yours so what's the use of privacy?" he responded and I stared wide eyed.

"Okay but at least turn around and no peeking." I remarked, this time with a serious tone.

"Okay, I'll turn but I can't promise not to peek." He grinned, actually enjoying the whole turn of events. Sighing, I proceeded to get dressed after he turned around. I wore the clothes quickly, I decided not to wear a bra because mine was wet and I wanted it to dry and also because I read it in a health magazine that it's very healthy to sleep without a bra so as to make the blood circulate evenly. The T-shirt and sweatpants were baggy but I managed to fold them enough to fit. When I finished dressing, I caught him staring at me and I pushed him with my index finger.

"How long have you been staring?"

"Long enough to know you didn't wear a bra." He whispered into my ears and I gasped.

"Geez, you're such a jerk!" I tried my best to sound strict but it came out more like a joke.

"Yes, a jerk for you. By the way, I have the hottest girlfriend in the world." he said with a full smirk.

"It's going to a long boring time being with you in this boring house." I say teasingly.

"Actually the opposite will happen and then you'll be begging me you want to stay with me forever."

"In your dreams mister." I threw my tongue out t him.

"You are my dream. A dream come true." He retorted.

Too tired to argue, I moved over to the bed in order to sleep. He still stood close by.

"What is it?" I asked in concern.

"Can I, can I sleep here with you?" He stuttered for the second time tonight.

"Why? Don't tell me you're scared of sleeping alone." I teased.

"Actually, I'm scared that if I leave, something or someone might come in and steal you away from me." He sounded so genuine, I smiled.

"Adrian nothing's gonna happen to me. I'm fine but if you insist, you can sleep with me. But no hanky panky." I said. This time it was my turn to wink.

"Alright miss goody two shoes. I won't do anything as long as you let me hold you." I agreed and then he jumped right on the bed

"Um, Can we pray...pray first? I've decided to pray every night before sleeping." What's up with all the stuttering? When did he suddenly become shy?
I nodded and we held hands before he prayed.

"Lord, we thank you for the what you've done, please forgive us and we also ask that you take control of our lives and family. Protect us and help us to continually love each other in Jesus name."

"Amen." I shouted. It felt good to have a boyfriend who prays. Adrian is indeed the total package.

After the prayer, he rose up the blanket, came closer to me and held me close, spoon fashion.

We really did fit in each others arms. He held me so tight like I was gonna run away or get missing. I still felt happy that he loved me this much. I mean who wouldn't?

"I love you Isi." he whispered, his voice husky, virtually induced by sleep.

"I love you too Adrian." I whispered in return.

I felt good to be cradled in his arms. In this moment, I didn't think about my current predicament or what the attacker planned next. I felt safe.

Safe because I was in the arms of my love.

No much action in this chapter but I hope you enjoyed it?
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