Chapter 10

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Adrian's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling more refreshed and invigorated than I felt last night. I tossed and turned trying to get more sleep but I realised this wasn't as soft as my bed. I opened my eyes and the memory of last night dawned on me. I smiled to myself.

At least I got to sleep in her house... This is progressive!

I quickly took a shower, brushed and flossed my teeth and wore the clothes Fernando brought for me which consisted of a white T-shirt, sweatpants and a pair of flip-flops. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized it was a homey attire. I checked my phone to see if there were any calls or text messages, I found none and kept the phone in my pocket.

I left the guest room and wandered off to the kitchen where I saw her stirring something in a bowl.

"Good morning!" I said in a light mood.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" She replied, still stirring the bowl.

"Yes, I did. Thank you so much for taking care of me last night. I'm sorry if I caused you any inconvenience."

"You're welcome and no, you didn't trouble me. I'm making pancakes. Hope you like them?"

"Who hates pancakes?" I chuckled. "What can I do to help?"

"Um, you can set the table and prepare some coffee or fruit juice, whatever you like. And I forgot to thank you for the flowers. Thank you! How do you know roses are my favourite?" She looked puzzled as she asked?

"A friend of mine suggested it." I answered.

I made the table and decided on coffee while she made the pancakes. We did this in silence, neither of us not knowing what to talk about. I made up my mind to properly apologize to her after our breakfast. Her pancakes to me were the best I had ever tasted and I added her cooking skills to the list of reasons why I thought she was worth being with, aka wife material.

I immediately stood up to clear the table and wash the dishes after we ate. I knew she was surprised by my attitude but she didn't say anything. After washing and drying, I hurried off to the living room where I saw her watching TV.

"Please can we talk for a moment?"

"Sure." She muted the TV and turned her undivided attention to me.

"I came here last night for a purpose. I'm terribly sorry for not having dinner with you and I know you're still angry but I have a good explanation." I cleared my throat and continued, "I was in my office preparing to meet you when my brother, Roberto, called and said my dad wasn't feeling well. He had a heart attack in South Africa and the diagnosis proved that he had a cardiovascular disease." She gasped at my words.

"You see, João and his son have both been my only family ever since my real family members died. They've always been there for me so I couldn't abandon them at that particular time. It hurt to stand you up, I had so many plans for us together that evening but you have to understand that I did what I had to do. I'm sorry!"

"Yes, I was very sad and dejected about the whole dinner thing but now that you've explained, I forgive you. How is João, hope he is alright? He was my boss back in Nigeria." She asked, concern written all over her face.

"Yes he is. He's in Brazil right now. If you want, I could take you to see him soon, do you?"

"Yes, I'd love to see him, thank you."

"You bet! I'll see what I can do to arrange it, ok?"


"I also came for another reason. Um, in case you haven't realized it yet, I kinda like you!" My heart was pounding ferociously as I spoke.

"You do? I don't understand."

"Yes, I do. I liked you ever since you bumped into me at the elevator. You are the first and only woman who has ever spoken to me with such guts and audacity. And Roberto saw it too. In fact, he was the one who opened my eyes to it."

"Wow! This is unbelievable. But the truth is, I kinda like you too. So um, what are we gonna do about it?" She replied.

"Slow down a sec, you like me too? Why?" I was totally baffled by her declaration.

"Well, I don't really know why I do but anytime I see you or come close to you, my heart beats faster than normal."

"Mine too. Nothing would make me happier right now if you would agree to be my girlfriend."
I suggested enthusiastically.

"Isn't it a bit too fast? I mean, we just met each other a few weeks ago. And I know you to be someone who never sticks to one woman for a long time. How will you cope?" She seemed doubtful about us being together.

"As long as you're in this with me, I believe anything is possible. But if you still aren't assured about this," I took hold of her hands, placed it on my heart and said, "Just know that this heart beats for you and is willing to do absolutely anything to make you happy."

Like magnetic forces, we pulled towards each other, with my hands already on her waist and her hands still on my chest, eyes closed and breaths exchanging, we were about to kiss when my phone started ringing... We both got startled by it and pulled away from each other. While she blushed and I groaned, I decided to see who the caller was. It was Roberto!

Oh! Not again.... This guy is seriously a wrong timer!!!

I picked the call and shouted at him for his wrong sense of timing.

"Dude chill! What exactly are you doing that would make my call an interruption?"

"I'm with Isi right now and we were talking about some crucial matters" I glanced at her as I said this and she blushed profusely.

"What! This early? Something tells me you aren't giving me the full details here." He was just too curious for my liking.

"I'll call you later and I promise to tell you everything okay?" With that I hung up, not even bothering to know his reply.

Looking back at her, I asked "So where were we? Oh I remember we were talking about..."

I didn't finish my sentence before her mouth descended on mine and we kissed in reckless abandon without a care in the world.

I realized right at that moment that this is where I belonged, in the arms of the woman I adore.

The story is getting juicier and I hope you all love it? Please don't forget to comment and vote (I really need your votes for motivation, thank you).....#HUGS

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