Chapter 23

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A quick update guys . Enjoy!

Adrian's POV

I was so elated to see that she was finally awake and in my arms. I longed to tell her I was in love with her but I decided to wait till dawn. Cradling her close, I zoned off.
I woke up to the sound of a yelp and looked up from the bed to see a nurse in the room. She was one of the nurses assigned to this floor. She looked elderly. I didn't even know her name. She seemed startled to see me on the bed with Isi.

"What do you think you're doing Sir? The patient hasn't woken up and you're occupying the space where she needs to rest and recuperate." She raised her voice, trying to sound strict but I could still detect fear in her voice. Before I could speak, to assure her that Isi was awake, I was interrupted.

"You don't have to worry nurse, I'm awake." Isi said behind me.

"Thank goodness miss. I'm so happy you're alive. You made us all worried especially the young man here. He wouldn't leave your side no matter how much we tried to make him leave even for a few minutes." she was grinning as she spoke.

"Really? Hope he didn't trouble you all?" Concern rang in her voice.

"He did. But we all know he is in love with you so there was nothing we could do." The nurse further explained.

I felt my cheeks turn red. I wanted to tell her I was in love with her at my own pace. I didn't want her knowing from someone else especially a nosy nurse.

"Enough! You both should stop talking about me like I'm not here. I can assure you that I am present and I can hear everything." I boomed but not loud enough to scare them.

"Okay sir. I can see you want me to leave so you can be alone with her. Therefore, I'll just check her temperature and other things I need to do."

I got off the bed to give her more room to do what she had to do. They both bonded immediately, Isi asking her questions and she replying immediately.

Women. They always seem to gang up well, I could tell. Why was she taking long. She had spent more than her usual time here.

"Aren't you through with whatever it is you have to do? I'm growing impatient here. I want the lady to myself. " I voiced my thoughts.

"I'm done with everything. I know Doctor Gustavo hasn't arrived yet. But I will call him so he can do the remaining check ups." After that she left, the room much to my happiness.

"Good morning Adrian. Oh! My breath stinks. I need to brush my teeth." Looking at Isi as she spoke, she looked disheveled, her hair was a mess, she still had a fee cuts and bruises all over but she never looked more beautiful and I think I just fell in love with her the more.

"You'll have to wait for the doctor to know if you're stable enough to brush or take a bath."
I explained.

"Then I won't speak till he comes. Can't you perceive my breath? It smells like hell." She covered her mouth as she spoke.

"I can smell it. But you look beautiful, flaws and all." I said and she smiled.

"Which means you can kiss me good morning even with my bad breath?" There was a tinge of uncertainty in her voice.

"Of course. I could kiss you anywhere, anytime, any day. You mean so much to me." I was genuine in my confession. Nothing could make me stop loving her. She is mine forever.
Moving closer, I drew her to me, not minding her breath at all, kissed like a starved wolf. I had missed her so much and this was heavenly. I just want to dive in her forever, not letting go. Being with her is like an addiction that I would gladly cherish for life.
But my phone rang, ruining the moment. We both groaned, complaining about the interruption. I brought it out of my pocket, to see my dad's picture on the screen. Lost in her, I hadn't even remembered to tell the rest that she had finally regained consciousness. Sighing, I picked the call.

"Good morning dad."

"Adrian, how are you?"

"I'm well. Dad I've got great news. Isi is awake." He shrieked and I could tell he was excited as well.

"Gee! That's wonderful. When did she regain consciousness?"

"Last night. But I haven't informed the doctor yet. Apart from the nurse who came this morning, you are the only one who knows. Please inform Roberto so he can pass it on to her friends at the office. The nurse said she'd inform the doctor. "

"Okay son. I will. Send my love and greetings to her. I will come and see her soon. Take care of her and yourself. Bye." He hung up immediately after that.

"My dad sends his love and greetings. He'll come and see you soon. So will the rest. Everyone was in a frenzy when you were in a coma. Now that you're awake, they'll flood this room soon." I told her sincerely.

"I actually don't mind. I miss them all." she replied.

A knock on the door erupted and it opened to reveal the doctor.

"Good morning to you two. I had to knock so as to stop you both from doing whatever it is you were doing. I'm an old man and I don't want to witness two adults in a lip-lock." He had a huge grin in his face as he spoke.
I glanced at Isi and without a doubt she was blushing. I loved the fact that she could be prudish especially when we are in the presence of others.

"Well, don't worry, we won't do anything here in this hospital. The most we'll do is kiss, kiss and kiss." I winked at her as I spoke. This made her cheeks have a matte red colour.

"Adrian stop teasing the doctor. I don't want him having a hard time dealing with us." she spoke loud enough for the doctor to hear. This only made him laugh.

"I'm glad you're awake miss. As I explained to Adrian about a week ago, your case is a miracle. There was no account of a broken bone, damaged part of the body or even death. What happened to you is rare." I could still remember when he told me all these. Then, I was in shock about the whole incident, but right now I understand perfectly. Glancing at her, I realized he was right. She only had some cuts and bruises which had begun to heal tremendously.
He proceeded to check her up, asked a few questions and was ready to leave. While they were both talking, I realized it was time to tell Isi my true feelings for her. I wanted her to forgive me for the whole Denise scandal and perhaps admit she was in love with me as well. But I just didn't want to tell her ordinarily, I wanted to add some romance into it since women are always thrilled with romantic gestures. All I need is the doctor's permission and consent. Having this in mind, I followed the doctor out of the room, promising to come back immediately. When we were out of the room, I issued him farther away from the door. I didn't want her to eavesdrop on our conversation.

"Doctor according to your check up, is she strong enough?" I asked.

"Well, she is strong enough to walk around the room. I don't want her to leave yet. She still needs to stay for a couple of days. Why are you asking? " He sounded suspicious.

"Eh, I want to ask something. Will it be okay if I could...?" I whispered the rest into his ears .

"That's okay as long as you don't stress her too much." He replied.

"I won't. Thanks!"

Now all I have to do is make a few phone calls to the necessary parties involved. This is one hell of a romantic adventure that I am willing to take for the one I love.

Hmm..... What do you think Adrian is planning to do? Liking the story so far? Please don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you.


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