Chapter 18

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This chapter is dedicated to valcarcen. My good wattpad friend. Thanks for your constant votes and adding my book to your reading list. I'm indeed very grateful.
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Adrian's POV

Driving towards her house, I began rehearsing my explanation to her.

I'm very sorry you saw me hugging Denise. Its not what you think. She made me realise I am in love with you. I love you to the moon and back!

I was so frustrated and couldn't think clearly. I bet this is what you do when you fall in love. Love makes you do crazy things. Denise's words came across my mind. I had to make sure I convinced her so she would love me back. On the other hand, does she love me in return? If I tell her about my feelings, will she reciprocate?

I was dying of anxiety within me. I've always been known to turn down women whenever they showed any romantic interest towards me and now, I feel I would be turned down too. This is torture! Now I clearly understand what it feels like to be insecure and not have the knowledge of the feelings of the other person. Well, I'll just have to tell her and prove to her that my love for her is real and undying.

Still on the road, a few kilometers after my house. I witnessed an ambulance pulling out a body from a red car. The person looked pretty messed up and the car was damaged to the point of no repair as a result of the accident. So many people gathered and news reporters surrounded the place also.
I wonder who it is! A strange part of me wanted to stay but I had to get to Isi who was my number one priority. I drove off reluctantly. Getting to her house, I saw her car there and felt relieved but also remembered that I was the one who drove her to my dad's party. There was no way she used her car. How did she get home then? Did she use a bus? No, its quite late and I can't picture her going to the bus station, waiting for a bus to take her home. I just hope that whatever means she made use of, she got home safely.

Getting to her front door, I tried to turn the knob to see if it was at least open, it wasn't. So in lieu of that, I chose to knock. I knocked and knocked and knocked but there was no response.

"Isi, please if you can hear me, open the door, we need to talk." I shouted.

No response.

"I know you think I messed up because you saw me with Denise. But you got the wrong impression." I shouted again.

Still no response.

"If you're in there, please let me in so I can explain." I shouted.

There was no sound. Not even a trace of movement in the house. The lights were all turned off. Summoning courage, I said aloud the words that have been on the verge of my tongue all night long.

"I love you!"

But she still didn't show up at the door. I was about to say more when I was interrupted by one of the neighbors from the window at a duplex opposite the house.

"Get away boy, can't you see we're trying to get some sleep over here? One more word from you and I'll call the cops. Moreover, if the girl feels anything for you, she would have come out since but apparently, she doesn't. So let it go." With that he locked the window.

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