Chapter 16

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This chapter is dedicated to Mhiz_arabnic for your constant vote and support to this book. Thank you so much. Readers Enjoy!

Adrian's POV

She had to show up exactly when I was having the time of my life with the woman of my life. I never invited her to the party and I was baffled as to her showing up.

Denise, Denise go away.

Back in college, she forced her self on me knowing I wanted no relationship with any girl. She would come to my hostel, prepare my food, iron the clothes I would wear for the day and leave immediately. Her father, a very successful business man, always wanted me to marry her but I never liked her.
I always thought I'd never get married, you know, just be with one woman or the other for the rest of my life. But Denise tried to make her father cajole me into marrying her. I knew she was a huge flirt, young, beautiful and rich. She used her assets to coax men into her web. She even slept with about two of my closest friends at the university. When I found out, it only made me certain that for a fact that we could never be together.
But she never agreed to that. Every time I was with other girls, she would oppress them to leave me, by bursting the tires of their cars whenever they came to visit, and making their time in the university a nightmare. Her possessiveness never bothered me at first because the more girls she sent away, the more new ones came to me.... I was literally irresistible to them. But soon it became known to everyone and I was being teased about it by my friends and even some of my lecturers knew about it.
My friends and I devised a plan to stop her. We made a sex-tape between her and one of the popular guys at the fraternity near my hostel and threatened to show it to her parents and the whole university. She immediately stopped harassing me and fortunately after we graduated, she disappeared into thin air and never showed up again.

So I was clearly astonished when she showed up at my father's birthday party. Walking ahead of her, I led her to the garden so we could hopefully get this over with.

"Denise,what are you doing here? I can't remember sending you an invitation."

"But I found this invitation card in my mailbox two days ago." She said and opened the back of her tiny clutch and brought out the card... I wonder how the card was able to enter into it. Girls and their foolishness all in the name of fashion. I thought to myself.

"Okay so you got the invitation. I didn't invite you. Why are you here anyway?" I was already getting fed up. I wanted to end the conversation fast so I could be with Isi. I'm sure she must be tired of being alone right now.

"Well, I came to apologize for what I did back in school. It was juvenile and I am sorry." She looked terribly sad as she spoke and I couldn't help but observe that her apology was genuine.

Sighing, I said, "Okay. I forgive you if only you're willing to forgive me for the sex-tape." I wanted us to get past this. To forgive and forget.

"I've forgiven you a long time ago. In fact the sex-tape helped me change. I moved to South Korea where I met Lee Cho Gang. He made me realise that there was more to life than what it seems. We fell in love and are getting married next month. I am inviting you over to Asia for the wedding. Will you be wiling to come?"

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