Chapter 33

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I'm going to update immediately after this chapter. You can thank me later, Lol.

Adrian's POV.

When you sit down and think about your life, the way you've lived, you'll realize that time flies.

Images of what happened in the morning clouded my mind as I sat down in my office. I admit I was shocked at first when she told me she was a virgin, in my wildest dreams, I would never have guessed that. I mean look at her, she is every man's dream woman. The fact that she hadn't given herself to any man made me respect her the more and I silently vowed to be the best thing in her life.

The sound of a knock brought me out of my reverie. I ushered whoever it was in and my secretary came in.

"Good afternoon sir. You have a call from someone named detective Leo Manuel."

I hope he has good news.

"Please connect the call." I said, hoping she'd leave and carry out my order but she stood still, rooted to the spot.

"Sir, is everything alright?" she inquired after she realized I caught her staring.

"Everything is fine, thank you. Now connect the call please." She nodded and left. Few minutes later, I received the call.

"Hello detective. How are you doing?" I asked

"I'm good Adrian. I'm just gonna cut to the chase. We've found Henry Sueco. We are hoping you'd come over to the station right now."

They've found him? Thank God, now the sly bastard can get what he deserves.

"Okay. I'm on my way." After he gave me the address of the police station, he hung up. I stood immediately, gathered my documents in my suitcase and hurried out.

I got into my car and ordered my driver to take me to the station. I sent Isi a message, telling her that Henry has been caught and that I'm on my way there. We arrived about twenty minutes later because the station is quite far from my company. I glanced at my phone to see a message from her.

We are having fun. Henry has been caught? Thank God. Please be careful. I'll call you later. I love you too baby.

I smiled as I read the message.
The detective was already waiting outside for me. We shook hands and then he directed me inside.

"Where is he? I want to see him." I asked with keen interest. I needed to see the man who had been a great source of terror to my girlfriend.

"He is with my assistant. They are both in the questioning room. He hasn't said anything so far."

"How did you find him anyway?"
With all he has done, I couldn't believe they would be able to catch him easily but I was curious to know.

"We caught him in a local coffee shop in the suburbs. We placed his picture on a website that consists of people who know one another. A woman, the age of twenty five saw his picture and immediately recognized him. They dated each other back in high school. And apparently he loves going to the coffee shop to get his daily latte." He still looked puzzled like he was suspicious of something.

"What else are you thinking?" I wanted every piece of information I could get.

"I am a detective. With my years of catching criminals, I believe this is the easiest culprit I've caught. I don't know about you, but I feel there is more to this but I just can't place it yet." He tugged on his beard as he spoke.

"Well let me see who he is." He took me into a room where his assistant sat across a man. He looked quite young. I don't think he is even up to thirty. He had a huge smirk on his face and I wanted to drag him out of here and beat him to the point of death.

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