Chapter 29

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This chapter is dedicated tohotlove01. When you told me "you've fallen in love with my story,"  I leaped with joy. Thank you so much for your love and dedication.

Adrian's POV

I woke up to the feeling of someone pressed to me. Her feminine aura drew me to her and I inhaled her scent, basking in the glory of it. She smiled and snuggled closer, still clearly asleep. Since it was her first morning in my house, I decided to do something romantic.

I carefully got out of the bed, so I wouldn't wake her up. I opened the door quietly and walked out of the room, heading downstairs, towards the kitchen.

What do I have here? I could make pancakes. I brought out all the ingredients and started preparing it. After making the hot and fluffy pancakes, I proceeded to squeeze some oranges to make a pure and fresh homemade juice. I also tagged it with syrup and grapes on a tray for both of us.

Whistling, I climbed up the stairs and opened the door. She was still asleep. Well well well, what better way to wake up your girlfriend in the morning than with a kiss? I dropped the tray of food down on the table beside her, knelt down and kissed her on her cheeks first before proceeding to her mouth. She responded immediately like she was waiting for me.

"Good morning sunshine." I greeted happily after the kiss.

"Good morning Adonis." she responded.

"Adonis huh? So you think I'm handsome?" I asked teasingly.

"I don't think you're handsome only. I think you're sexy, caring, liberal and amazing. You are one of a kind." She rained me with praises.

I beamed. It always feels good to have someone praise and encourage you.

"Why, thank you so much. I made breakfast for us." I brought the tray back to the bed, we prayed  and began eating. She smiled at my gesture.

"Adrian, your mission to spoil me is working. I feel like the most loved person on earth." She spoke as she ate her grapes.

"I love you and as long as I'm alive, I'll keep loving you and showing you my feelings. So this is just the beginning." I explained.

"I love you too. What are we  gonna do today?" We had already finished eating and and placed the dirty dishes back on the tray.

"I don't know. Let's take a shower and then perhaps watch a movie till the detectives come." She suddenly remembered why she was here in the first and her face gave a look of sadness.

"Okay. Thank you for this meal. Off you go. I'll  see you downstairs." she shooed me out of the room.

Fernando brought a large amount of clothes for her in two big bags. I hurriedly took a shower, got dressed in grey pants and a white T-shirt. Its the month of March and the snow had stopped falling. I rushed over to her room and knocked to make sure she wasn't naked. She ushered me in only a towel. I gulped in lust. I haven't been with a woman since we met. Seeing her the first time at the elevator made me cringe whenever I got close to other women. I couldn't even look at them.

But seeing her in a towel brought unimaginable and wild thoughts into my memory. Calm down Adrian, control yourself. My subconscious warned me.

I handed over the bags to her and quickly fled the room so as to avoid temptation. I went downstairs and surfed on the various movies I had. Not knowing what to pick, I decided to wait for her to choose instead. Moving to the kitchen, I placed some popcorn in the microwave and within minutes, the aroma diffused around the place. Transferring the popcorns into a bowl, I took along with me a couple of  the pet bottled Pepsi to the living room.

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