Chapter 9

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My apologies to all those who've been waiting for this chapter, I'm sorry for keeping y'all waiting. PS. This chapter is dedicated to RedBlue-Violet, a talented writer and supporter. Thanks for all your support. I won't take it for granted.

Isi's POV

When he walked towards me, I began to remember the disappointment I felt when he stood me up. I was boiling with rage. He halted close to me and the smell of his cologne made me weak to the knees. I imagined how it would feel if I hugged him, having the fragrance waft towards me.

Shut up! You shouldn't be thinking about this sort of crap. You're supposed to be angry.----My subconscious instructed me.

With that I folded my arms, cleared my throat and spoke;

"What are you doing here? I can't remember giving you my home address." I spoke harshly.

"Please calm down, I can explain." He was quivering and his voice sounded hoarse. That was when I realised that he had been out here in the cold waiting for a long time.

Why would he wait in the snow for hours just to see me, could it be that he had a good reason for not coming, and he likes me enough to stick around this long?- My heart warmed at that thought.

"You're shivering. I have a heater back inside. You can come in." I invited him in.

"I hope I'm not intruding on your privacy? I can just go home if you want." He really sounded unsure of my hospitality.

"Don't worry, you aren't intruding at all. Please follow me." With that, I turned towards my house, opened the door and ushered him in.

"You can hang your jacket over there." I said, pointing to the sweater-stand.

"Your home is lovely, I thought every where will be full of pinky and girly stuffs but the black and white sure makes it comfortable and homey. I see you've got great taste." He was looking around, surveying the place with keen eyes.

"Well, thank you. Blue is my favourite colour but I can't imaging painting and decorating my house with it. It'd be too dramatic. So I opted on cooler colours and black and white popped into my head." I tried to explain my choice of decor.

"Anyway, nice choice!" He replied, giving me a thumbs up.

I rushed into my kitchen to heat some milk which would warm him up. After it was warm enough, I hurried into the living room to see him looking at some of my family pictures on the wall.

"That's my family. They live in my country,Nigeria. Here, drink this." I gave him the milk. He was so engrossed in the pictures that he didn't see what I was giving him, he took a huge gulp of the milk. Suddenly, his facial expression changed like he was about to gag.

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