Chapter 6

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Sorry for the late update guys.. I've been really busy... But I hope you enjoy this chapter though!

Adrian's POV

I couldn't help but feel elated when she agreed to have dinner with me. I was literally on cloud nine. I knew what I had to do because hey I'm a woman's man and I know how to make a woman feel extremely special. But somehow, I felt panicky because this is the first time I wanted something serious with a lady, even if it was just friendship.

Oh dear! I hope it all works out. I thought to myself. I really have to make this work out right.

So the next day, I woke up feeling happy and I didn't even know when I started humming to Ed Sheeran's song "Dive".

Who knew I could sing to the lyrics of any artiste's song? I guess that's what happens when you are really happy. I wondered to myself.

On getting to the office I greeted everyone with a smile on my face. Everyone was surprised! I called my secretary and personal assistant, Louisa, and planned my schedule for the day. I decided to make sure I was free to go home by 6pm so that I could prepare before 7pm which was the set time for dinner. Holy shit! I haven't even called her to fix the venue. Remembering I had the number she gave me, I called her immediately. She picked after the fifth ring.

"Hello?" She said. Even her voice sounds lovely on phone. What on earth am I getting myself into?

"Um, its me Adrian. You gave me your cell phone number. Can you remember?"

"Oh! Yes, I do. How are you?"

"I'm good. I don't want to waste much of your time because I know you're busy. Can we meet at Margarita's restaurant? It's a beautiful restaurant near your company. Are you at work now?"

"No, today is Saturday, I don't work in the weekend. And I know the restaurant. I've been there once. So I'll meet you there by 7?"

"Yes, that'll be great. See you there." After that, I hung up. Well, now I have to keep myself busy. I had several board meetings with my clients. But most times, my mind wandered off to her. Geez! I can't be falling this hard.

By six, I was ready to leave my office when Louisa informed me that I had a call from Roberto. I groaned loudly. What does Roberto have to say by this freaking time?

"Olà Roberto, qual é o problema?" I asked him what the problem was.

"Adrian, its dad. He's at the hospital in south Africa. Apparently he traveled from Nigeria down there to attend one of the charity programs. I think he is a part of the sponsorship committee." He stated

"What happened to him?" I asked, with fear in my voice.

"They said he had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital, he's currently receiving treatment. I can't believe this. He works too hard. I always tell him to go on vacations in order to rest, all to no avail." he lamented.

"What's the next step, what should we do?"

"I'm actually flying down there right now. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me. Do you?

I tried to reason it out. João and his son Roberto have taken care of me ever since I lost my family. They both treated me like I was a part of their little family. João was always a good example of a father. He was never partial with both of us, corrected us when we were wrong. He was there when I joined my high school's basketball team, when I won my first trophy. When I was sick, he wasted no time in taking care of me like his own son.

As much as I wanted to have dinner with Isi, I couldn't sacrifice this moment for anything. I had to be there for both father and son because they are literally the two closest people I could call family.

"Yes, brother. I'm coming along with you. Just wait shortly, I will be at the airport in the next thirty minutes."

As I went home to prepare my things, I tried to reach out to Isi. I called her countless times but it didn't even connect not to talk of ring. I was really depressed and worried.

I knew immediately when I got to the airport that I had lost this shot with her. I couldn't blame anyone for this because no one was guilty. With a sad smile, I chanted two decisions within me;

Get to South Africa on time, be with João and Roberto then fly back down to Brazil to see Isi and explain, then possibly set another date with her.

I just hoped she will be willing to listen to me and actually believe me. I sighed and said,

"What a long week ahead."

So there you have it guys. This is the sixth chapter. I hope you enjoyed it? I tried making this chapter a bit unpredictable cos some people thought it'll end with a dinner and possibly love in the air. Lol.... This is called suspense and diversion. What are your thoughts concerning this chapter? Comment, comment and vote. Obrigada! (thank you, in Portuguese)

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