Chapter 11

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Another seasoned chapter... Please read and vote..... This chapter is dedicated to OldMan21 . I think you're the first male to read this book and vote... Thank you for your votes so far. Every vote counts!!!

Isi's POV

I don't know what compelled me to kiss him but I guess it was worth it. We spent the rest of the morning getting to know each other better. I got to know that his favourite colour was brown and his favourite desert was chocolate cake.

He loved chocolate cake because during his brother's last birthday before he died, his mother made a huge chocolate cake for him and before the party ended his brother had eaten a quarter of the cake much to the anger of his mom. Everyone at the party laughed so hard when they all found him under the table where the cake was made. He had chocolate icing all over his mouth. This was Adrian's most prized memory of his brother and he always remembered this, therefore, he always loved eating chocolate cakes as a tribute to his brother.

When it was close to noon, Adrian called his driver to inform him that he was spending the rest of the day with me and I was so glad about that, I made a bowl of popcorn and we watched several movies such as Dead Pool, Safe haven, X-men; Apocalypse etc.

When I decided to put The notebook for us to watch, he laughed and said it was a chick flick and was too sappy for him to watch. I've always loved watching movies ranging from action, romance, comedy, SciFi, chick flick, and so on. We argued about what to watch and later opted on Anna Karenina (The movie).

Next we played some games like Monopoly, Chess( I was never good at it, so he beat me to it), Simon says( I know its a childish game but we both loved it nonetheless)

In the evening, he volunteered to cook.  It was still pretty much cold outside, so he had to make do with the little food I had at home.

"Okay, kindly go out of this kitchen, let me see what I can do about fixing dinner." He told me, we were in the kitchen having a glass of Italian wine, I got at a friend's wedding back in Nigeria that I brought with me when I came to Brazil.

"But I want to help. You can't cook on your own, can you?" I chipped in, trying to see if I would be of help.

"Oh no! I don't need your help. I've got this. You're gonna be a distraction if you stay in this kitchen. Go do something else like take a shower, by the time you're done, I'd have had dinner prepared."

With that, he shooed me out of the kitchen. I reluctantly left and took a shower. I dressed up in an ankle-length jean trousers, a grey sweater and tied my hair up in a bun, wore a a pair of fluffy slippers and hurried back to the dinning table. When I got there, I was shocked by what I saw. He had put two candles on the table, cut out the rose petals from the flowers he brought to me yesterday and they were sprawled on the floor around the dinning table.

"Come on, take a seat." As he said this, he walked over to my side of the table and brought out a chair for me to seat.

Such a gentleman.....

I've always been a person who noticed the little gestures of caring and whenever someone did something to show his or her concern for me, I was always touched.

"Can we pray before we eat?" I asked but he made no reply. I decided to ignore it.

"Hmm... What do we have here. Is that fish?" The aroma of the food was too tempting, and I was already salivating, hoping we would eat soon.

"Well, its a fish sauce, which we eat here in Brazil with our local rice. You don't have the local rice here so I made use of the little rice you have but it's still a complimenting rice. You should try it out. Bon appétit ..." He said.

I didn't need more invitation, I said a silent prayer God to thank Him for the food and dug into the food like my life depended on it. It was better than I thought. It had a very unique taste and I moaned out loud.

"This is the best homemade meal I've eaten so far here in Brazil. If you were to be a chef, you'd be very good at it. How did you learn to cook so good?"

"Well, I always had a passion to cook. I used to watch my mom cook when I was young and this food I made is one of my mom's old recipes. Eat up, you're too skinny"

"I'm not skinny" I tried to deny it.

"You are." he argued.

"Are not." I countered.

"Are too." he retorted.

"Okey dokey! I don't want to argue with you. Whatever helps you sleep through the night amigo." I said, laughing.

We ate the remainder of the food in a comfortable silence and then I remembered to ask him a question;

"You don't believe in God, do you?

"Why do you ask?" He asked me, sounding unfazed by my question.

"Well, I said we should pray before eating the food earlier but you neither said a word nor prayed."

"So you've been watching me, huh? Am I too irresistible?" He asked with a smirk on his face and I laughed hard.

"Wipe that smirk off your face. You're trying to divert my question. Just answer me ok?"

"You know what? Let's not talk about this right now. Perhaps some other time. I promise to answer you then."

"Ugh! Okay then. But you must tell me the truth when the time comes. "

"I will. You have my word." He promised.

After we ate, we both packed the dishes and he washed while I dried them. Then we drank some wine at the living room and talked more. Sometime later, we glanced at the wall clock and discovered that it was already 10pm Brazilian time. Adrian suddenly realised that we both had to work the next day which was Monday. He didn't want to go, but had no choice. He called Fernando to come pick him up. Fernando came fifteen minutes later.

We held hands on our way to the door. Then I decided to ask the one big question that had gotten me confused all day.

"Um, Adrian, I still don't understand what we are. What should we label our relationship as?"

He sighed and said;

"For the second time today, will you make me the happiest man in the world by being my girlfriend?"

"Yes" I replied with a huge grin on my face.

We kissed for about ten minutes. Both of us not wanting to let go of the other until the sound if a throat being cleared startled us. Fernando tried to look organized but I knew he was mortified to see his boss in a lip-lock with me.

"Take care of yourself. I might not be able to call you tonight but I want you to know that I'll be thinking about you." He said an when I looked into his eyes, I saw sincerity in them.

The eyes truly mirror the soul.... I thought within me.

"I'll be thinking about you too. Goodnight."

He kissed me one last time and whispered 'goodnight' to me and then they both hurried off into the car. I shut the door and leaned on it, feeling happier than ever before. I was too tired to take a shower so I just brushed my teeth and changed into a comfortable nightgown instead.

That night, I fell asleep immediately and before I did, the only thought I had in mind was how I was gonna tell Graça and the rest of my colleagues at work about everything.

They were in for one hell of a surprise!!!

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