Chapter 24

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I promised I was gonna update yesterday but the network was so horrendous that I couldn't update or view my notifications.
What do you think about the new cover photo of BREATHE? This chapter is therefore dedicated to me for creating the cover photo. Please don't forget to follow me, vote, comment, share and add BREATHE to your reading list. I love you all.

Isi's POV

He left with the doctor to probably gather much information about my health. I was already getting bored of staying in this hospital, I couldn't wait to leave. I wanted to stand up and walk around the room for a while but the drip was still connected to my hand.

As the door opened and Adrian came in, I sat upright.

"Hope you're feeling better?" he asked.

"Yes, I am. I'm just a little bit hungry. " Right on cue, my stomach chose that moment to rumble.

"A little bit hungry, huh? Your stomach says otherwise." He said with a smile.

"Okay. I'm famished. Are you satisfied now?" I was indeed hungry. I haven't eaten all these while and I that surprised that I have survived.

"Very. I don't want you to eat the hospital meal. It's too lumpy and gross. So, I called Roberto to order up something for you to eat. He'll be here soon." He sat down and reached for my hand.
I nodded because I couldn't think of anything to say. Our hands fit perfectly.

I glanced at the right side of me and saw a table with a few things on it.

"What are those?" I asked, gesturing to the table.

"They are some cards sent by your colleagues at work when they came to visit."

"Can I see them please? "


He stood up and walked over to the table where there cards were neatly arranged. When he showed them to me, I felt loved and appreciated. I had friends who care about me. They were mostly "Get well soon" cards. I missed them so much and couldn't wait to be with them again.

There was a knock on the door and Roberto came in. He held a medium sized grocery bag which made me wonder what food was in it. But before I could think much about it, I was engulfed in a hug which caught me by surprise. I returned the gesture, hugging him.

"That's okay. She's still fragile. Don't break her bones." Adrian remarked. I didn't know if he complained as a result of jealousy or concern. I opted on the latter, reasoning that he couldn't be jealous of his brother showing care and concern for me.

"Pardon me brother but it's so good to see her awake." Turning his attention back to me, he continued. "This brother of mine hasn't left your side since the whole thing happened. I'm surprised he hasn't broken down. "

I still couldn't believe that Adrian had been by side ever since. My heart beat accelerated a tad bit at the mere thought of him not being able to live without me. I couldn't understand how we became attracted to each other and how we've both grown deep together.

Deep in thoughts, I didn't hear much of the banter between the brothers as they both continued to tease each other.

"Isi, Adrian told me to get you something light so I decided on chicken noodle soup. Hope that sounds okay with you?"
My stomach rumbled again to show interest on the choice of meal prepared. And we all laughed.

"I guess that's an answer to my question." Said Roberto. He took out the portion of food from the bag, poured the contents into a plate, brought out a spoon and was about to hand them over to me when Adrian stopped him.

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