Chapter Two

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After the last note was played and the audience screamed with excitement, I exited the stage feeling confident that that had been our band’s best performance yet. As I walked backstage, I was beaming because I was so proud. All the nerves were gone now, just the feeling of completion was left that I get after we finish a show.

“That was amazing,” Alex was saying to Nate as we made our way backstage.

“You were terrific Rose!” Nate came over and picked me up and started spinning and chanting “We did it, we did it!”

Although Nate and I knew each other all of high school, we never really talked until he officially joined the band. Admittedly, I always had sort of a crush on Nate all of high school, but he was always dating the most hottest girl in school so I knew I never had a chance. Nate and Diane were off and on all of high school. When the band started getting bigger, they decided to call it quits officially. It was a mutual decision, but I know that Nate was hurt by it big time.

When Nate finally put me down, I was laughing along with him and l blushing like crazy. I needed to learn how to stop that. We started making our way to the rooms in the back when I heard some voices calling out behind us. 

“Hey!! Wait up!” A tall guy with curly brown hair was saying that I soon recognized to be Harry Styles. The other four members of One Direction were running alongside him. 

Alex, Nate, and I all stopped to turned around to look at them.

“Oh my gosh, you guys are One Direction. I’m literally a huge fan,” I told them, excitement and nerves coming into my voice. I was trying to control the inner fangirl in me to not jump around and scream because One Direction was talking to me. 

Louis and Zayn were smiling at me in a way that told me they could tell I was nervous. 

“Really? That’s fantastic. We just wanted to say that we thought you guys were great out there! I’m Liam by the way,” Liam was saying as he held out his hand to Alex, Nate, then me, last. 

“Hi, I’m Alex. This is Nate,” Alex gestured to Nate, “Thanks for the compliment by the way. I would say I know who One Direction is if I knew. But I don’t, sorry dude. But you all do look familiar.” 

All five boys laughed at this, including Nate, Alex, and I.

“Well, I’m Liam as you know.”

“I’m Niall.”



“And I’m Zayn.” Each member said their name and shook Alex and Nate’s hands.

“What’s your pretty lead singer’s name?” Louis said while winking at me.

If I was red before, it was nothing compared to how red I probably was now. 

“I’m, um, Rose,” I said trying my best to calm my blush.

All the boys started laughing at my obvious blush now; including Alex and Nate.

“Rose, what a pretty name. Don’t you think so Harry?” Louis said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

“Pretty name for a pretty girl,” Harry replied as he copied Louis’s gesture by kissing my hand as well.

“I agree,” Zayn winked at me before also kissing my hand.

“I’m going to try something new and hug you instead,” Niall was saying before he quickly came up and grabbed me for a hug.

I quickly composed myself and hugged him back. What a great day this was turning out to be. Liam came to me for a hug as well after Niall let me go. 

When Liam let go, I noticed Nate was giving me a strange look, but I quickly dismissed the thought as ridiculous.

“Well, it was very nice meeting you. I hope we will get to see you again,” Louis was saying all of this while looking at me in the eyes.

“Yes, definitely,” I said, hating how I was feeling feather light because of meeting this five boys.

“Guys! You’re on in five!” Mark was gesturing for One Direction to make their way to the stage.

“See you,” the boys said to us as they ran to the stage.

“Rose, you’re looking as if you just saw an angel!” Alex was telling me as he grabbed my shoulders to lead me away to our seats in the crowd.

“I pretty much did right now Alex.”

We found our three seats in the front row. Complementary seats to us since we are first years in the music industry. 

I was psyched to see One Direction’s performance and was still stoke from meeting them minutes earlier. 

“Rose, if you don’t calm down, you are going to get sick,” Nate said as he looked at me. Worry and something else was evident in his eyes. 

Before I could respond, Beyonce came on stage and started speaking. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce ONE DIRECTION!” she cheered along with the audience. 

The lights dimmed and One Direction appeared on stage.

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