Chapter Forty-Three

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“Rose. Rose can you hear me? Can you open your eyes?” I heard a male voice wake me up from my precious slumber. I opened my eyes slowly and looked into an unfamiliar male face. He looked to be about fifty and his black hair was thinning. Oh wait, I know who he is. He is Dr. Montez. I went through surgery I remember now. 

“You’re awake,” another male voice said and I turned my head slowly to see Sean looking at me happily. 

“Now Rose we wanted to tell you that the surgery was a success. Unfortunately you are going to have to stay in the hospital for about two weeks for physical therapy and hire a new doctor to help you out when you leave on tour. If you still go on tour. But I have a concern that I wanted to share with you since I don’t think you know,” Dr. Montez paused and I looked at him scared. 

“Is something more wrong with me?” I asked him nervously. 

“Rose, I don’t know how to tell you this but you’re pregnant. You’re about two weeks into your pregnancy. I discovered it while looking at your test results,” Dr. Montez said quietly to me. 

Pregnant. No he can’t mean me. I can’t be pregnant. I’ve only ever done it with Louis twice. How can I be pregnant? No this can’t be true. No. No. No. Louis just cheated on me. I can’t be pregnant with his child. No this can’t be happening. Not to me. 

“Are you sure?” I asked as I felt tears fill my eyes. I can’t be pregnant with Louis’s child. He cheated on me. He cheated on me with Riley. There may have been a time in the future when I would have wanted kids, but not now. And not with someone who cheated on me, even if I do love him. 

“Yes we’re positive. We already informed your friends and they are here to see you. Do you want me to let them in?” Dr. Montez asked me and slowly, I nodded. 

Both men stood up and walked out of the door. I heard some shouting from outside before eight people rushed into the room quickly while slamming the door shut. It was Liam, Danielle, Zayn, Jessica, Alex, and Nate. 

“Rose you’ve got to stop doing this to us,” Alex said as he rushed to my side. 

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to,” I said quietly. How can I be pregnant? 

“We know. I guess there is a plus side to this. You’ve got a new cast for your arm. And your whole hand is out,” Alex pointed out. I didn’t even notice. I looked at it now and he was right. My whole arm was in a red cast that was in a sling but my hand was loose. Now I have two hands, that’s good. 

“I didn’t even notice,” I said as I stared at it. I’m pregnant. No I can’t be pregnant. Why?

“It’s ok. You just woke up,” Zayn said from my left side. Him and Jessica were sitting down in the couch next to my bed while Alex and Nate were on the opposite chair. Liam and Danielle were at the edge of my bed in chairs.

“You didn’t go to sleep? What time is it?” I asked no one in particular. 

“It’s almost three in the morning. And we wanted to make sure you were fine when you woke up,” Zayn told me and I nodded. 

“Where is Louis?” I asked quietly and felt a jab in my heart. It hurt me just saying his name. I can’t believe I’m pregnant with his child. 

“Harry, Sam, and his mom are all outside of the room with him. We didn’t want to let him in in case you weren’t ready to see him yet. Do you want to see him? He’s been worried,” Liam told me and I looked at him. 

“No. I don’t want to see him. Not when I’m awake. He can see me when I’m asleep but not when I’m conscious. I’m just not ready to face that yet,” I said as tears started to fall from my face. 

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