Chapter Fifty-Four

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A/N: Thank you so much for your votes and comments! I love you all! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please let me know what you think in a comment/vote once you're done!

Dedicated to my new best friend even though she hasn't read this story :) love you new best friend!



“Rose it looks amazing!” Jessica exclaimed after I walked out of the bathroom dressed in a black and white flannel shirt with some jean shorts. My hair was soaking wet since I had just gotten out of the shower and quickly changed. 

I also may have forgotten to mention that, with the help of Jessica and Katherine, I dyed my hair light brown. 

I had called Jessica up about an hour ago and asked her to pick me up from Louis’ apartment and go on an adventure with me. She agreed immediately and rushed over to come and get me. Louis was a little hesitate to let me go, but I managed to convince him that I needed to think about my decision for the day. 

Today was the day where I had to pick whether to stay in Le Fanatics and go on tour with One Direction or go back to my apartment that I don’t remember having with Jessica. 

I’m supposed to be at the studio in a few hours to test out singing with the band and then give Simon my final answer. 

I still haven’t decided.

I’ve been kind of avoiding it.

And going out with Jessica has been helping. We bought the hair dye and went straight to Katherine’s hotel. 

I wanted change. So dying my hair seemed like the best option. 

Louis nor anyone besides Jess and Kat know that I’m doing it. I wanted it to be a surprise. 

“How can you tell? It’s still so wet!” I asked her as I looked in the mirror.

“Let’s blow dry it. Then we will really get to see how it looks!” Katherine said and I nodded in agreement. 

Luckily, Jessica had brought her hair styling tools with her when we came here. So we all contributed and blow dried my hair in less than twenty minutes. After that, we all ironed it with the several straighteners Jessica had brought. She is a pro at straightening her hair. 

After about another twenty minutes, my hair was completely straight and it looked great. I’m really liking how the light brown tones mixed well with my hair color. I’m satisfied. 

“I like it,” Katherine remarked once we were all done and we were just staring in the mirror. 

“Me too. It’s a good look for you Rose!” Jessica said enthusiastically but then stared off into space and frowned. 

“What’s wrong babe?” I asked her immediately. I noticed she had been a little off the whole time we’ve been here. But now I’m certain something is wrong. 

“It’s nothing. Zayn and I just got into an argument. Would you mind if I stayed here tonight Kat? I don’t really want to see him,” Jessica said sadly. 

“Of course you can stay Jess! But what happened with Zayn? Do I have to beat him up?” Katherine asked her concerned. 

“It’s just. I guess we can’t work out if we’re together nonstop for so long. I thought everything was fine. But he just blew up on me. He told me he can’t ever hang out with the guys because I’m always over. That he misses having guy time. And I told him that I didn’t realize that was my fault. I told him I could have hung out with you girls if he wanted to go out without me. Then he said I was missing the point and I asked him what point? That was when he blew up and said ‘I want to go out and have fun like I’m single’ and I froze. You happened to text me right then Rose so you gave me my escape. I told him as I was leaving that now he can go out like he is single again. Because he is now,” Jessica explained and by the end of it all she was in tears. Kat and I rushed over to hug her immediately. We both held onto her as she cried out all of her frustration. 

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