Chapter Eight

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Louis and I were done with our lunch and after some protest, I finally let him pay for everything. It was nice talking to him throughout lunch. He really seemed like a nice guy. We talked about the music industry mainly throughout our meal, the pros and cons of being famous. We both mostly shared the same opinions. Paparazzi were crazy and annoying but we loved our fans nevertheless. 

We walked outside to the few lingering paparazzi. Thankfully, we weren’t attacked with questions; they were just taking photos of our every move. Louis opened the car door for me again. I thanked him and climbed in. A few seconds later, he was getting in the car as well. 

“So where am I taking you now?” He asked me as he was pulling out of the parking spot. 

“You can take me to my apartment if you’d like; unless you have any other ideas?”

“Hm, would you be willing to meet me and the guys for 

dinner tonight? You can bring Alex and Nate too.”

“That sounds like fun, I’ll tell them. Can I also bring a friend of mine you haven’t met yet?” I asked him thinking of Jessica.

“Definitely, the more the better,” he laughed. “I’ll text you the details later now plug in your address in the GPS and I’ll drop you off.”

After I was finished typing in my address, he set off to find my apartment.

“Want to play twenty questions?” Louis asked me.

“Sure, you first.”

“Okay, what’s your favorite color?”

“Turquoise,” I said automatically. 

“That is not something you hear everyday. I like it, your turn.”

“What’s your favorite memory?”

“That’s easy. The moment the boys and I became One Direction,” he smiled at me. 

“Awh, that’s cute," I smiled back at him. 

“Thanks. How old were you when you had your first kiss?” He asked me.

“Um,” this was an embarrassing subject for me. Oh well, the truth has to come out eventually. “I’ve never been kissed,” I said, trying to avoid his gaze by looking out the window. 

“Liar,” he told me and laughed.

Wait, what?

Why would I lie about that?

“No, I’m serious. I’ve never really been in a relationship either. There’s been a couple of almosts, but I just really have bad luck,” I sighed.

Guys just seem to always find new ways to disappoint me after I learn to trust them. 

“How old are you? That’s another question.”

“I will be eighteen this Friday.”

“You said there have been a lot of almosts. What did you 

mean?” He asked me curiously. 

“Like I’ve had the opportunity, but didn’t take them. The guys just liked me because of the size of my bust. I didn’t want my first kiss or relationship to be with someone like that. I wanted it to be with someone special. And so far, every guy I thought was special didn’t think I was,” I said as I was looking down at my feet. 

That kind of stuff still hurts.

“Then they are jerks because I know you’re special and I just met you yesterday,” he patted my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

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