Chapter Twenty

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  • Dedicated to Samantha Perri


“So is the video going to be under the One Direction youtube channel?” I asked the boys. I didn’t see why it wouldn’t be but I just wanted to ask.

“Yes, if that’s alright with you guys?” Liam asked us nervously.

“Of course, it’s no problem bro,” Alex said earnestly and laughed.

“Ok, how about we pretend it’s just us at first and then we introduce Le Fanatics?” Liam asked us.

“That’s fine. Just motion for us to come over,” I said smiling.

“Hey Gisbelle, Sam, and Danielle, let’s go gossip over the boys while they are all videorecording,” Jessica suggested to them.

“I’m in, see you guys in a few,” Danielle said and gave Liam a quick peck on the cheek before walking out of the room with Jessica, Sam, and Gisbelle.

“Ok, the camera is going to start in 10 seconds! Everyone get on the couch!” Liam shouted at the boys and they all obeyed his instruction.

I got behind the camera to let them know when it was officially recording. I gave them the thumbs up and they began talking.

“Hey guys it’s time for a video diary!” Liam yelled.

“Yay!” All of the boys chorused.

“Well a lot has happened in what? The month that there hasn’t been a video diary. We’ve been at the kids choice awards, performed at the VMAs..” Zayn started off.

“..And got to meet the fantastic band Le Fanatics! Come over here guys!” Niall said and all of them started clapping for us.

“You better sit next to me Rose!” Louis yelled but was trying to hide a smile.

“No I want Rose next to me!” Zayn protested.

“I’ll fight for her!” Louis said and literally grabbed a toy sword underneath the couch and aimed it at Zayn.

“To the death!” Zayn said also pulling out his own sword. Where were they getting this stuff?

“For Rose!” Louis said taking the first aim.

“For Narnia! I mean for Rose!” Zayn said and everyone started cracking up.

“Wow this is amusing. I’ve never had two guys fight over me before with plastic swords. I feel so honored. I’ll sit next to Harry,” I said and got on the couch next to Harry.

“What!” Louis was giving me an incredulous look and Zayn was cracking up.

“Hey Harry,” I said and winked at him attempting to tease Louis.

“Hey Rose,” Harry said and winked right back at me then put his arm around me.

“Hey!” Louis protested waving his hands in the air so that he grasped my attention.

“Hello Louis,” I said and giggled. I loved seeing him like this. It was rather amusing.

“Not cool!” He said and feigned sadness with a semi smile on his face.

“Hey Alex! Louis is lonely! Sit with him!” I said and laughed when I saw that Louis gave me a look that said you-know-that-is-not-what-i-meant.

“Hey everyone, it case you didn’t know we are Le Fanatics. I’m Nate.”

“I’m Rose in case you didn’t hear.”

“And I’m Alex.”

“We just got some super exciting news so I don’t know if all of you have heard yet but ONE DIRECTION IS GOING ON TOUR!” Niall shouted.

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