Chapter Nineteen

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  • Dedicated to Samantha Perri


We were all stunned for a moment unable to speak. I couldn’t grasp the idea that we actually got booked for a tour and not with just any band. We’re booked with One Direction. This was like a dream come true for me.

“Wait, we got a tour deal! And with a band we actually know and like? This is amazing!” Alex said excitedly. He looked like a child on Christmas morning because our whole band and being able to tour was all his vision from the start. His dreams were coming true as well as my own.

“We’re going on tour! Where?” Liam asked. I could tell he seemed very excited too about this.

“All around the world Liam. Australia, USA, Canada, and more,” Simon said and smiled at him.

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it. We’re actually going on tour!” I said in awe and smiled up at Alex and Nate. “It’s amazing how far we’ve come so fast.”

“It truly is. You guys deserve this. Your first show is in Australia on April 13th. So in about a week you all are going up there and are staying there for a about a week,” Mark announced to all of us.

“What? We’re going to Australia that fast?! We just found out the news!” Niall exclaimed.

“Yes and the press still don’t know about it yet so that is where you all come in. Mark and I need you both to call in on Live with Ryan Seacrest and tell all of the listeners the news. Then if you have other ways you would like to inform others than you can do that as well. But make sure after you eat to call in and let them know tickets go on sale this Saturday,” Mark explained.

I was so dizzy. Le Fanatics and One Direction were going on tour together. And we were going to Australia. Suddenly, the nerves were starting to get to me. I have never left the country before. I’ve been all over America and dreamed of going to the UK but I’ve never had the chance. Now I’m going to Australia on tour and I’ve never even been on a plane before. This is going to be a tour full of firsts for me.

“Ok we will no problem. Thank you so much!” Alex said and got up to shake hands with Simon and Mark. All earlier arguments with Mark long forgotten.

“Yeah, hey Mark, thanks,” I said truly. I didn’t care that he had insulted me earlier. He got us this tour. We owe him a huge thanks.

“No problem Rose! You guys deserve it! And plus, the fans seem to like both bands together a lot. So I’m glad this is working out to our favor,” Mark said.

Just then our food all arrived and we all started digging in. I had forgotten how hungry I was until I smelled the food in front of me.

None of us forgot about the amazing news we just heard, even after Simon and Mark left to go finish some arrangements.

I noticed Nate was being unusually quiet. I looked over to him and he was silently picking at his food with his fork. He didn’t look as happy as all of us felt.

“Hey Nate, you ok? You seem pretty quiet,” I said to him.

“I’m fine. I’m just soaking it all in. It seems too good to be true,” Nate answered me.

“It does, but this is what we’ve always wanted isn’t it?” I asked him and put my hand on top of his and gave it a quick squeeze. “This is what we’ve worked for.”

He looked up at me with a defeated but happy expression across his face.

“It is what we’ve been working for. I’m excited. Don’t worry about me,” Nate said smiling at me.

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