Chapter Eighteen

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Alex, Nate, Jessica, and I all got to the restaurant in less than ten minutes. When we had arrived, only Liam, Niall, and Danielle were there. I guess we drove a little fast.

“Hello Rose, Nate, Alex, and Jessica,” Liam greeted us.

“Rose! So nice to see you again. Same with you Jessica!” Danielle said as she gave us each a hug.

“It’s so nice to see you as well, Danielle. We didn’t get to talk must last time so I hope we get to talk some more now,” I said cheerfully. “How long are you in town for?”

“Just until Sunday sadly. How about you guys?” She gestured to Alex, Nate, Jessica, and I.

“We should find out how long exactly soon. Management is trying to finish up some big tour deal and then we’re off,” Alex answered.

“Hello again Niall,” I said as I came up and gave him a hug. He smelled amazing.

“Hey Rose. Hi Jessica,” Niall said shyly.

“Hello Niall,” Jessica said and gave him a hug.

“So this is the hotel you all stay at?” I asked.

“Yes. We quite like it here actually. Everyone is so nice to us,” Liam commented.

“And the food is amazing,” Niall added.

“I bet. This place looks fancy,” I said.

“It is a little bit. Look here comes Harry, Louis, and Zayn,” Liam said just as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Hello Rose. That was quick,” Louis whispered in my ear as I turned around to face him.

“I guess so,” I giggled and started blushing at how close he was to me right now.

“Ah, love that color on your cheeks love. It rather suits you,” Louis commented which only made me my blush turn darker in color.

“We should go inside now since everyone is here,” Nate said sharply.

“Yes, let’s go inside. Sam is waiting with a table,” Harry announced and we all started walking inside.

“Sam? The girl that was at Coldstone with you the other night?” I asked while walking in between Harry and Louis.

“Yep that’s her,” Harry said smiling.

“Cool! She seemed really nice. And pretty,” I said and Harry laughed.

“Well, she is both of those things. You both will be good friends,” Harry told me as we entered the hotel restaurant and walked over to where Sam was sitting at a big booth.

“Hey guys, I missed you,” Sam said as we all sat down. We were seated as Sam, Harry, Louis, Me, Jessica and Zayn on one side and Nate, Alex, Liam, Danielle, and Niall on the other.

“Missed you too,” Harry said and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I missed you,” I heard Zayn murmur to Jessica.

“Well Rose and I had a girls day,” Jessica said.

“Ok, I’m offended then,” Nate feigned anger and we all laughed.

“Fine, Nate spent most of the day with us too. Alex was only there in the beginning. Then he left us for some girl,” Jessica corrected.

“Speaking of which, she’s here. Over here Gisbelle!” Alex started waving his arms to call attention to a petite girl with blonde hair who looked to be about my age as well.

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