Chapter Forty-One

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“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God,” I hyperventilated. 

“Calm down Rose, it’s just London,” Louis said amused from where he stood next to me and laughed. 

“Oh My God. Oh my God. Oh my God,” Alex said repeatedly as well from my other side. 

“Do we even want to know?” Harry asked Nate as he gestured to where Alex and I were gawking at everything in sight. 

“They’ve been dreaming about coming to London for longer than I’ve known them. Don’t know why but they’ve always wanted to go to London. It’s sometimes all they talk about,” Nate said and shrugged. 

We were currently outside of the airport in London. London, the city I’ve dreamed of my whole life. The one I knew I was destined to go to for years. I was finally here. Not to mention I was here with my best friends Alex and Nate. Alex shared my admiration for London as well. We both always dreamed of traveling there and here we are. How could we not gawk at everything?

Jessica, Sam, and Melissa were already at the hotel we were all staying at except for Louis and I. Apparently, Jay insisted we stay at her house in Doncaster while we were here. I don’t mind at all. I really was excited yet nervous to meet Jay and all of Louis’s sisters for the first time. 

Right now we were all about to split up in different directions. Louis and I were going to meet Jay for lunch at The Ivy. I’ve never heard of it before but Louis and Jay like it so I don’t mind. Somehow, Louis was getting all of our suitcases and such transported to his house so that we don’t have to go there first. I guess being a celebrity has its perks. In time, I’ll learn them all too. 

I had to be ready to go by the time we got off the plane. So I was wearing a Chiffon Pleat neck asymmetrical midi dress with a matching tan waterfall blazer, tan TOMS, and a tan lace flower clip in my ironed-straight hair. I thought everything looked appropriate for a girl meeting her boyfriend’s mom for the first time. I needed to make a good, lasting impression. 

I was happy that the dress did indeed cover up most of my leg that still had the hematoma on it while my blazer covered up my bandaged arm. Dr. Rodger said my arm and ribs were healing well though and my leg would too in time if nothing else serious happened to it. Sadly, he couldn’t explain why every time I fell asleep I had nightmares of the recurring accident. They were enough to make me stay up all night long, terrified to sleep. So for the past two days, I hadn’t slept at all. Louis didn’t know about it neither did Alex or really anyone else. I didn’t want to put more worry on them than I do on a normal day and with all of the worry I’ve caused them over the accident in general. It would be too bothersome for them and that’s the last thing I want to be, a bother. The guilt still doesn’t leave me alone for all of the pain I’ve caused everyone. I don’t know if it ever will. 

“Look! It’s Big Ben!” Alex said excitedly and pointed straight ahead. Sure enough, there he was. Something I’ve always wanted to see. 

“No way!” I squealed and smiled widely. This was honestly turning out to be a great day so far and we just go here. I hope things continue to stay this good and not make turns for the worse. 

Right after Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam, and Danielle left to drop everything off at their hotel, a passing driver in a car screeched their tires along the pavement and I jumped, screamed, and ducked my head into Louis’s chest. I started breathing irregularly and my head started pounding. No the car was going to hit me again. No it can’t. Please don’t let me go through the pain again. 

“Rose! Rose what’s wrong?” Louis asked me frantically. 

“I think the noise the tires gave off freaked her out,” Nate said distressed. The screeching tires noise appeared again and I jumped and just buried myself, if possible, further into Louis’s chest. No please make the car go away. The car is going to hurt me. Like it did in real life and in my nightmares. 

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