Chapter Fifty-Three

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A/N: Here's another chapter! Please read/vote and leave me a comment letting me know what you think! It's greatly appreciated! Love you all!



I placed the letter back on the nightstand and turned my head to look at Louis. He was still asleep. He looked a lot more peaceful compared to when he was on the couch asleep. Was that because I let him in here with me? Well whatever the reason, I’m glad he at least looks better. 

I took a moment to just stare at him and discover his features. The features I claimed in the letter that I was in love with. 

Louis’ sandy brown hair was a mess at the moment but it looked cute on him. He can pull off the whole sleepy haired look. It was adorable, I must admit it. 

His face didn’t look like it had been shaved in a few days. He had a shadow that is more evident on his face today compared to yesterday. It wasn’t bad at all. It made him look older. Something I didn’t mind. 

His mouth was also slightly open as he inhaled and exhaled oxygen. It was something that was cute as well. 

I am in love with this man. This stranger that isn’t really a stranger. 

And he is in love with me too for some absurd reason. There’s no way that I’m pretty enough for him. He could probably get anyone he wanted. Why did he choose me?

I decided to stop staring at him because it was weird. If he woke up and saw me staring at him that would probably creep him out. So I decided to examine myself.

A lot of my personal appearance has changed from when I can last remember.

For instance I’m a lot thinner. My thighs don’t touch anymore and that was something I always wanted. 

My hair is also longer and darker. I like it. It’s different. 

I still have my boobs and they look even bigger if that’s possible. Maybe it’s because I’m skinnier. I’m not sure. 

I also had a hospital bandage around my wrist. I guess that’s where I cut too deep with I attempted suicide or whatever it was I was doing. 

I lifted up the bandaged wrist and gently started peeling off the tape. Once one whole side of tape was off, I lifted the bandage to reveal the damage. 

I had three cuts from what I could see. The first one, which was the one closest to my hand, wasn’t super read or big. It was a simple cut. It didn’t look like I was truly aiming to kill myself with that one.

The next one, the one in the middle, you could tell that it had been a deeper cut. There was still blood on it, dried blood. It wasn’t pretty.

The last one was the worst. It was the biggest and the darkest. This was the cut that I made that put an end to me. This is the one that looks suicidal. 

It was terrible. 

I grazed my finger over all three cuts gently and winced a bit. Touching stung the cuts a bit. I was not expecting that. 

“Does it hurt?” I heard Louis ask me. I turned my head to look at him and saw that he was watching me carefully. 

“It just stings a little,” I said quietly and wrapped the bandaged around my wrist again. The tape was still sticky so I knew it was going to stick. 

“How long have you been up?” Louis said through a yawn as he stretched. It was absolutely adorable I couldn’t help but smirk. 

“Twenty minutes or so I think. I read the letter I wrote to myself,” on pure instinct, I grabbed it with my hands and just kind of held it. 

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