Chapter Twenty-Eight

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“So what is it you actually do in your free time Jessica?” Harry asked. We were all still at my apartment building just chilling on the sofas.

“I study at UCLA. I’ve just been on spring break this past week,” Jessica answered and everyone looked at her in shock.

“What do you study?” Niall asked her. He looked very impressed that she studied there.

“I study anatomy. I learn about all the body parts, functions, and their diseases and conditions,” Jessica said and laughed as everyone just looked at her, except for Alex, Nate, and I who all knew this.

“So you study about penises?” Harry asked.

“Well yes obviously but not just those,” she said and laughed.

“So you probably know everything about them then. How great! Zayn has a smart girlfriend,” Harry said and wiggled his eyebrows at Zayn.

“So does Louis. Rose studies as well too,” Jessica said and everyone shifted their attention towards me, causing me to blush. I decided to ignore the girlfriend comment since I didn’t really know what we were now after the kiss.

“I didn’t know that,” Louis said looking at me intently.

“Well I don’t technically go to a college,” I said honestly.

“Well then how can you-” Louis started but was cut off by Jessica.

“She takes university courses online,” Jessica answered for me.

“What are you studying?” Liam asked me curiously.

“Um I’m studying English education and nursing,” I admitted shyly.

“How do you have time for that?” Liam asked me again.

“Technically, I’m on spring break here as well. My virtual teachers know who I am and are patient when I can’t turn stuff in on time because of my hectic schedule. But I’m mostly on top of everything,” I told him.

“Why do you study when you already have a career in singing?” Louis asked me curiously.

“Because in case this doesn’t work out I want something to fall back on. I don’t want to be flat broke with no degree if this job doesn’t forever work for me,” I told him.

“Wow that’s actually really smart thinking. I never thought about that,” Liam said seriously.

“Do you both study as well?” Harry asked Nate and Alex.

“Not me,” Nate said and shrugged.

“Um not me either. But I always wanted to study architecture but I don’t think I have the time or focus to right now. I don’t know how Rose does it honestly,” Alex said and looked at me seriously.

“I go to UCLA too!” Sam said randomly as she popped into the conversation.

We all laughed at her lateness in the conversation.

“Really? What do you study?” Jessica asked her, interested.

“Psychology. I want to be a psychologist,” Sam said and laughed.

“That’s awesome! Alex’s sister is a psychologist!” I added.

“Really?” Sam asked as she turned her attention to Alex.

“Yep. She loves it,” he said and smiled.

“You look like you miss her,” Sam noted.

“Of course. I miss my whole family. I have a big one too. My mom, dad, two sisters, one brother, and all of my aunts and cousins and everyone else. It’s a really big family,” Alex told everyone as he reminisced.

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