Chapter Forty-Eight

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A/N: Hello everyone!! Here is my update! Like I said in the last update, college has started so I can only manage to update once a week (if I'm lucky)

Hope you like this chapter! It was fun to write! Enjoy!

Dedicated to rainloverfreak because she always comments/votes :) thanks love!

Please comment/vote once you're done! It's much appreciated!



I was laying down on the hospital bed next to Louis, who was sound asleep. It was only eight in the morning and the sunlight had just started pouring in through the windows. 

I hadn’t really slept through most of the night because of the anticipation I had for today. 

Today I was leaving the hospital. I couldn’t be any happier. 

I mainly just buried myself further and further into Louis’ chest. He had wrapped both of his arms around me as he slept, like he always does. 

I looked at him now. He was sound asleep with his eyes closed and light snores is the only noise he is making. It was so cute. 

But I’m bored and I feel like freaking him out some. Which is why I’m going to do something very weird right now. 

I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing so that if he wakes up, which he will, then he will think I was sleeping. 

I pretended to stir in my sleep so I could turn around to face Louis and hug him while wrapping my arms around him. I felt him move so I knew he was awake now. 

I sighed and said softly in my batman voice, “Oh Josh,” aloud as I continued snuggling closer to Louis. 

I felt Louis’ arms tense up around me when I said that. Poor guy must think I’m dreaming about Josh. 

“What?” He asked dumbfounded and the next thing he did was tighten his grip on me and said very softly, “Mine.”

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was staring me with a confused yet an in denial expression as he looked at me. 

And I started cracking up. 

I was laughing uncontrollably against him as he just looked at me confused. 

“Do you know what the hell you said when you were sleeping?” He asked me incredulously. 

“I wasn’t asleep love. I said that to see if you would wake up and what would you do!” I laughed into his shoulder. 

“....So you weren’t dreaming about Josh?” He asked me with an eyebrow raised. 

“Nah. I’d never dream about Josh. I was just pulling a little mini prank on you,” I smiled up at him. 

“That was mean,” Louis pouted. 

“That was hilarious,” I contradicted. 

“No it wasn’t. You owe me for almost giving me a heart attack. I was thinking I was going to have to murder Josh and hide the body,” Louis said and I started laughing again. 

“All because I had a dream of him?” I looked at him disbelievingly. 

“Exactly,” Louis said seriously. 

“Weirdo. You’re like an overly attached boyfriend. Would you like to read my text messages too?” I teased as I leaned my forehead against his. 

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