Chapter Forty-Six

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So new chapter!! Let me know what you think by commenting/voting please! It means the world to me!



“How are you feeling Rose?” Danielle asked me from the front of the room. 

Currently, Liam, Niall, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Danielle, Melissa, Sam, Jessica, Alex, and Nate were all in my room. We were all watching television and not doing anything productive. I had been at the hospital for almost a week now. I started going to therapy sessions and although it’s weird, I’ve gotten accustomed to it. The doctor also lowered the dosage that he was giving me on antidepressants. Thankfully, I didn’t feel too good after the high was over. Now I feel fine after I take the medication. I don’t get high but I still feel at ease with everything. 

Today was a good day for me. I haven’t had any depressing thoughts all day. I think I’ve actually been rather positive today. Yes, I was actually starting to let myself be happy. 

“Today is a good day,” I answered Danielle with a smile. 

Louis looked up at me and smiled then. He was laying down beside me on the bed with his arms wrapped around me. Something I love and it doesn’t seem to hurt like it should anymore. 

Just then a phone started ringing. We all started rummaging around trying to see who’s found it was. It ended up being Alex’s phone. 

I looked up at him and he had a terrified expression on his face as he looked to see who was calling. Oh no. 

“Who is it?” I asked scared. 

“My mom,” Alex gulped and hesitantly answered the phone. Harry had put the television on mute so that Alex wouldn’t have to raise his voice. “Hello?” He asked cautiously into the phone and winced with whatever was being said at him. That wasn’t good. “Ok mom I will,” Alex said and put the phone on speakerphone. Oh no, that meant she wanted to talk to all of us. 

“Alexander Manuel Nunez,” I heard Sabrina, Alex’s mom, voice say through the speakerphone. 

“Here,” Alex mumbled scared. 

“Nathaniel Jeremy Adams,” Sabrina continued. 

“Here,” Nate answered. He looked scared. Sabrina was doing full names. That is never a good sign. 

“Jessica Ashley Johnson,” Sabrina said out. 

“Here,” Jessica said hesitantly. 

“Rosemarie Jade Knight,” Sabrina said firmly. 

“Present,” I called out. I was honestly terrified of what Sabrina was going to say. She did not sound happy at all. I love the woman to death but she can be scary. 

“Alexander, Nathaniel, Jessica, and Rosemarie, how come no one and I mean NO ONE has called me this past month to inform me that Rosemarie was in the hospital TWICE!” Sabrina shouted. 

Oh shit, we forgot to call her. That’s not good. 

“I’m so sorry Sabrina! I haven’t really called anyone,” I started off in an apologetic tone. 

“You’re excused Rosemarie. You’re the one in the hospital. I can understand why you couldn’t call me. Jessica, Nathaniel and Alexander have no excuse whatsoever,” Sabrina said evenly. 

“You see mom, we’ve just been really busy. I was going to call you I swear. I swear I was. Just so many things have been popping up. We’ve been trying to take care of Rose as well,” Alex said really fast. Man, he was nervous. 

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