Chapter Sixty

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A/N: Sorry for the delay in posting. Basically no one kind of comments so I forget to update this website. I've finished One Day. This is the last chapter before the epilogue. There will be a sequel, if you want. So let me know!

Please vote/comment!

Dedication to my newest fan :) Thanks for fanning, love!



“Louis,” I tried getting out as he was placing several kisses on my lips. He was currently on top of me with his arms wrapped around me. We were lying down on the hotel bed but we were currently pressed for time since Georgia was about to come in and kidnap me to get me ready for tonight.

Tonight’s the Album Release Party.

Apparently that means I have to get all dressed up and look nice. 

Even though I feel kind of weird attending this since I don’t remember recording the album. I feel as if I don’t deserve this night of fun.

But everyone just says I’m being silly.

I probably am now that I think about it. 

“I love you,” Louis breathed out before kissing my neck once. “And I fucking love this outfit you’re wearing now.”

I chuckled in response to that. Currently, I was wearing a dip dye navy crop top with black shorts and my black TOMS. I had on a bit of cherry flavored Chap Stick as well to make my lips smoother. 

“Thanks, I love you too,” I told him earnestly and kissed his cheek. We pretty much had been saying that to each other none stop ever since I confessed I was in love with him. I loved saying it. It felt right and as if a weight had been lifted off my chest. 

“I don’t want you to go,” Louis whined out and kissed my lips once, then twice, then three times and I smiled. 

“You’ll see me tonight,” I promised and placed my hand on his cheek. 

“I know but that’s tonight,” Louis bent down to kiss my nose quickly. 

“Well you have me here with you now,” I pointed out and grinned up at him. 

“Very true,” Louis said and pressed his lips upon mine. It was slow at first, the way his soft lips brushed against mine made my heart beat furiously. But then I wrapped my arms around him and brought his face closer to mine. The kiss became fiercer then and Louis had his hands on my exposed stomach that was exposed because of the crop top I was wearing. I flipped us over so that I was on top and was still kissing Louis passionately, but Louis didn’t allow that for very long. He smirked and rolled us over again so that he was on top once more. I let out a little laugh in the kiss and flipped us once more so I was on top again. Louis deepened the kiss and grinned before rolling us over so he could be on top again. Except it didn’t work out as planned since we both fell off the bed. 

We landed on the floor with a thump with Louis on top of me. We broke apart once we fell and just started to laugh but I had to admit my head kind of ached a bit. I tried not to let it show though. 

“Are you hurt?” Louis asked me as he bent his head down to stare into my eyes.

Ok so either he knows me really well or I’m a terrible actress.

I’m going to go with that he knows me really well.

“My head kind of throbbed but I’m fine, honest,” I said sincerely and closed the distance between us to place my lips on his. 

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