Chapter Three

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I instantly recognized the song they were singing. I’m surprised they picked this one, though. It definitely isn’t their number one hit. They’re singing “Up All Night.”

Everyone in the audience started jumping up and down to the music as Harry entered his solo “Katy Perry’s on reply, shes on replay..” I was so busy watching Harry sing that I almost didn’t notice Zayn running to my side of the crowd and jumping off the stage to the floor in front of me as the chorus was starting. 

Startled, I looked up and Zayn was holding his hand out to me, smiling, to join him. 

Hesitantly, I grasped his hand and he pulled me with him back onto the stage. I tried to ignore the stares of Nate and Alex when I got on the stage.

Zayn pulled me to the high platform as he started singing his solo. He let go of my hand and turned me to him and began:

"Don’t even care about the tables breaking, we only want to have a laugh" 

I laughed as Zayn started making funny faces at me as he sang.

"I’m only thinking about this girl I’m seeing, I hope she’ll want to kiss me back." 

Zayn puckered his lips waiting for me to kiss him. I quickly decided against it and opted to kiss his cheek instead.

As I started to move away, Zayn laughed and before I could do anything else, Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the platform from Zayn. 

Luckily, he caught me in his arms so I didn’t fall. I laughed into his chest as the rest of the boys continued with the chorus. Niall put me down and started dancing. 

What the hell, I thought, why not? So I started dancing with him and laughing uncontrollably. Niall grabbed my hand as the chorus said “find a girl and tell her she’s the one.” He pointed to his cheek, asking me to kiss him there.

I laughed again and stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. I pulled back to see him smiling at me.

I wasn’t even nervous on stage so far. I guess the adrenaline in my body was blocking it out for me to regret later.

The chanting in “Up All Night” started and Harry grabbed my hand and turned me toward him. He was chanting along with everyone. Since I knew the lyrics I started chanting along with Harry. As the chanting was coming to a close and Harry’s mini solo before the final chorus was about to start, Harry pointed to his cheek and winked at me.

Oh man, I thought, if one of these boys has a toy, all of them want to have it too. I laughed at him but shrugged and kissed his cheek milliseconds before his solo.

The last chorus was starting and the audience was singing along and cheering with the boys. Louis grabbed me last as the guys were singing the part “and tell her she’s the one. Hold on to the feeling..” and he just grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes smiling. 

God, his blue/green eyes are beautiful. I was getting lost in their depth that I didn’t notice the chorus had ended and the end “Up All Night” chanting had begun. 

Louis looked at me again and pointed to his cheek like the members before him, during the chant. Unlike with everyone else before, I hesitated this time because I knew that Louis had a girlfriend named Eleanor and that this wouldn’t be fair to her. 

I sighed and gave him a worried look and the song ended.

The audience was going crazy and I turned away from Louis and looked to the crowd, realizing I just publicly kissed Zayn, Niall, and Harry on the cheek live at the VMAs. 

My blush was going scarlet red at this point. I couldn’t believe what I just did.

I looked to the side of the stage and saw that Alex was looking at me proudly and was clapping and cheering. Nate had his hands across his chest, and did not look happy at all.

I didn’t have much time to figure out what was wrong with him because the boys and I were escorted off stage.

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