Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up the next day to the sound of the television blasting out the Spongebob Squarepants theme song from the living room. Jessica must be awake. Lovely.

I sat up and turned to look at the owl clock next to my bed. It was eleven thirty in the morning, of course Jessica was awake.

At the end of my bed laid Zenon, who had awoken when I did. She was now just laying with her head down just staring at me.

“Want to go outside?” I asked her. That’s talk for “do you need to use the bathroom Zenon.” In response, Zenon jumped off of the bed and walked to my bedroom door, waiting for me.

I quickly brushed my teeth, grabbed the leash, and took Zenon for a quick walk.


After walking Zenon, I refilled her water bowl, murmured a quick “hello” to Jessica, and went to take a shower.

Twenty minutes later, I exited the shower feeling very refreshed and clean. I brushed out my hair and instead of blow drying, I chose to just let it air-dry naturally. I put on my contacts and changed into some basketball shorts and an FIU shirt. When I finished, I walked out of the bathroom to go sit with Jessica on the couch. It was 12:30 PM and she was now watching Phineas and Ferb.

“Hello best friend. You smell wonderful. Did you have a nice shower?” Jessica asked me.

“It was splendid. How was your day yesterday love?”

“It was good. Zayn came over and we watched television together and ordered some pizza for dinner. That’s it. I’m hungry now though,” she said.

“Me too. Starving actually. Let’s call Alex and see if he can help us with that,” I say happily as I get up and go to my room to grab my IPhone.

I walked back to the couch to Jessica and dialled Alex’s number and put him on speakerphone.

“Sup Rose,” Alex’s voice said through the speakerphone.

“We’re hungry!” Jessica and I said in unison.

“Hm, well Nate and I were about to order some Chinese food to be delivered here, what do you want?” he asked us.

“Chicken lo Mein with special fried rice please!” I said.

“Honey chicken and special fried rice also please!” Jessica tells Alex.

“Ok, I’ll go order now. Come over. Bye,” Alex says.

“We love you!” Jessica and I say right before we hang up the phone.

We hurriedly got dressed into some blue jeans and comfortable t-shirts and went across to Alex and Nate’s apartment.

“Hello! Open up!” Jessica shouted as she banged on their door.

After a few seconds of banging on the door, Alex opened it and laughed.

“Hungry much?” Alex said as we rushed inside and plopped on the couch.

“You know Rose, you do have a key,” Nate said when he came into the living room and sat down next to me on the couch.

“I know. I just forgot in the hurry to eat. How much longer until the delivery guy gets here?” I asked him.

“About ten more minutes if I’m not mistaken. Let’s play games while we wait. Marry, have sex with, or kill. Who wants to go first?” Alex asked us.

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