Chapter Thirty-Six

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I woke up to hearing someones light snores next to me. I smiled and I silently turned around to see Louis was still sound asleep. I looked at the alarm clock behind him to see that it was a quarter to eleven in the morning.

There was no way I was going back to sleep now. I’m pretty much fully awake. I want to get up and shower but there was no way I could with Louis’s arm still wrapped around me. He looked so peaceful while sleeping, so innocent. Completely unlike his usual self when he’s awake, and I couldn’t help but admire it. And I could also admire the fact that he was shirtless right now, not going to even lie. In his sleep now hopefully there was no worries, no nightmares. I hope his sleep is as peaceful as it looks.

I smiled when I started to remember fragments from last night. Since I was asleep through most of it, I don’t remember much. All I remember is Louis’s arms carrying me to the car, then him letting me sleep on him in the car, and then him carrying me again from the car to my room in the hotel.

I wonder if any paparazzi saw us. If there was pictures I was definitely going to get hate for that. I hope it’s not terrible, like more death threats. I don’t know how I’d handle that. I wonder if Jessica has been getting them. She has a Twitter too. I guess she either hasn’t been on or she has been ignoring it. She has always been able to deal with hate better than I could.

I decided that I definitely needed to go shower, but I have to manage not to wake Louis up by doing so. I don’t want to disturb him. He’s worked so hard lately, he deserves to sleep in.

I gently lifted up his arm off my body and slowly got off of the bed. I looked back to see that Louis hadn’t even stirred since I got off. Good. I gave one last look at his very beautiful shirtless body before quietly going through my suitcase and pulling out some light blue jeans with rips in the knee and a black and gray striped shirt to wear for when I got out of the shower.

Satisfied with everything I picked out, I brushed my teeth then jumped in the shower still hoping it wouldn’t wake Louis up. So I was turning to do everything as quietly as possible. but the noise of the shower, although it wasn’t loud, it was not something I could control.

After I was done in the shower, I got out and dried myself with the towels the hotel provided us. I looked in the mirror and was happy to see that the hickey on my neck had decreased in size and color but it was still there. I decided to chance it and just leave my hair down to cover it. If anyone sees it, I would just say it’s a burn from my straightening iron. It could work. Hopefully no one will see it though.

I brushed through all of the tangles in my wet hair and left it down so that it would cover my neck. I put on my contacts, changed into the clothes I had brought, grabbed all of my toiletries, and quietly walked out of the bathroom. To my utmost relief, Louis was still asleep. He was even in the same position I left him. How adorable.

I saw that my phone was on the coffee table next to my side of the bed and that it was charging. I guess Louis put it to charge before he went to bed. I had to remember to thank him for that later because if he didn’t, my phone would probably have been dead the whole day.

I put all of my toiletries back in my suitcase quietly and grabbed my phone from its charger. I opened the door slowly and I was happy when it didn’t make any noise. I walked out and shut the door quietly. I’m really surprised Louis’s not awake. Maybe I’m quieter than I though. Or maybe he’s just incredibly tired. Either way, he was sleeping and that’s all that mattered to me.

I walked into the living room of our hotel room and saw Harry sitting on one of the couches just typing rapidly into his phone. He looked up when he saw me approaching.

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