Chapter Twenty-Two

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We walked out of my room, hand in hand, to find Liam, Harry, and Danielle all playing with Zenon.

“Your dog is so cute! What’s her name?” Danielle asked as she started playing with Zenon’s ears.

“Her name is Zenon. She’s like my child. I love her so much,” I said smiling at how they all seemed to love her.

“That’s right! I came through on my promise and brought Zenon a bone!” Louis said as he let go on my hand and reached into the back pocket of his red skinny jeans and pulled out a medium sized rawhide bone. Zenon saw it immediately and jumped out of Harry’s arms and walked over to Louis. She got on her two back feet and started dancing. She was moving her front paws as if she was trying to reach it.

“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Danielle gushed.

“She does this when she wants something you have,” I laughed.

“Here you go Z. Enjoy!” Louis said as he bent down to give her the bone.

She took it without hesitation and jumped on the couch next to Harry and started chewing on it.

“Let’s eat. I’m starving,” I said as I grabbed a box of food.

“Me too,” Louis said as he grabbed his box.

Ten minutes later we were all done eating our delicious breakfast. Harry, Liam, and Danielle had started to tease Zenon by taking away her bone and then giving it back to her repeatedly.

“Let’s play a game while we’re waiting for our ride to get here,” Jessica suggested. She was sitting at the kitchen table bar with Zayn.

“Yes!” I agreed.

“Any ideas?” Nate asked.

“The what would you do game?” I said mischievously.

“Sure why not. Me first!” Jessica said excitedly.

“Ok, what would you do if you could never iron your hair again?” I asked her.

“I’d gel it every single day or put it in a ponytail,” she answered nonchalantly.

“Me next!” Louis said excitedly.

“You want to ask or answer?” Jessica asked her.

“Answer!” He shouted. He seems to like to shout a lot. It was one of the things that I liked about him, he could make me laugh that easily.

“What would you do if one day you woke up and there was not one single hair on your body?” Jessica asked and laughed.

“No hair anywhere?” He asked.

“Nowhere,” she confirmed.

“I’d be shocked at first with all of the extra breezes I would be feeling. But then I would walk around naked until everything started growing back.”

I blushed, unwillingly, at the thought of a naked Louis and it did not go unnoticed by him.

“I would be sure to show Rose too,” Louis said and laughed when I only turned redder.

“Ah! Stop it!” I said trying to cover my face.

“No!” Louis said and grabbed my wrists.

“Noo! I must hide my face until my blush is gone,” I insisted but he still wouldn’t let my wrists go.

“Is she always like this?” Louis asked Nate, Alex, and Jessica.

“Yep. She insists on hiding it,” Nate answered looking uncomfortable.

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