Chapter Thirty-Four

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“We’re going to have to get all of your shirts off to find out which one of you it was,” said one of the Today Show Australia hosts who was referring to the One Direction boys about how photos went viral yesterday of a shirtless member with tattoos staring out of the window of our hotel.

Currently the boys were being interviewed by Karl, Lisa, and Richard of the Today show. They all had just gone on a few seconds ago. Nate, Alex, and I were still with our stylists getting ready.

My makeup was done and so was my hair. They ironed my hair to be completely straight, which is my common hairstyle when I’m doing interviews or shows with the band. My makeup was simple. Clear complexion with some brown eyeshadow that created the smoky eye effect. I was also wearing bright red lipstick that really stuck out most.This was the most fancy I’ve looked in a while. And this was only the beginning of looking perfect for every interview, show, signing, etc. I can’t complain though. I really enjoy it. My stylist, Georgia, is really fun to talk to and makes getting my hair and makeup done really enjoyable. Georgia is a tall, dark-skinned, curvy woman who has a great sense of humor. Something I really admire about her.

“Ok hun, now your makeup and hair are completely perfect so it’s time to change to the dress you have to wear. It’s very pretty. Take a look,” Georgia said as she unzipped a bag on a hanger to reveal a short gold sequin dress. It was long sleeved and absolutely beautiful. Judging by what the length looked like, I assumed it would reached just above my knee which was a good length. The dress covered up my chest area all of the way so there would be no cleavage showing. Something I was very happy about. The only problem with it though is that it won’t cover the hickey on my neck.

“Well what are you waiting for? Try it on,” Georgia said and tossed the dress to me and pushed me towards the dressing room. I quickly took of my jeans and red turtleneck and slipped on the dress. Even though you couldn’t see any cleavage, the dress was tight enough on my chest and waist area that it was enough for people to take note of. Whatever, it looked great on my in my opinion. But it didn’t cover that spot. I guess I need to tell Georgia about it now.

“Hey Georgia! Can you come in here real quick? Dress malfunction,” I wasn’t technically lying when I said that.

“Hey honey what’s wrong? Oh my God what the hell is on your neck!” She shrieked.

“Sh! Don’t let anyone hear you! Nate and Alex nor any of the One Direction boys know. Only Louis knows because it’s his fault. Please tell me you have something that will cover it up? Please help me!” I begged her.

“Louis Tomlinson gave you a hickey? I don’t know whether to be proud of you right now or mad because it’s the day of a very important interview! Be right back! I’m going to get all of my makeup and make sure no one disturbs us,” Georgia said and quickly departed the dressing room and returned a moment later with all of her makeup bags.

“What are the boys talking about now in their interview?” I asked her as she started taking out all of her makeup products.

“At what age they started to sing. Louis was a late bloomer apparently,” she noted and I laughed.

“Oh wow. Has he told anyone we’re dating officially yet?” I asked nervously. I really wanted to see everyone’s reactions when he did.

“Nope. But I’ll finish this up quickly so you can go watch it all from the side of the stage with Alex and Nate. They’re done getting ready. They look spiffy if I do say so myself. Now tell me if this hurts,” she said as she gently placed a makeup pad on top of my bruise.

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