Chapter Twenty-Four

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“THAT WAS AMAZING!” I shouted as Louis and I were finally able to stand and I gave him a big hug.

“Yes that was incredible!” Louis shouted as well and continued hugging me.

We stayed like that for a few seconds more before I pulled away.

“Grr,” Louis said into my ear as I started pulling away.

“Grr right back at you Lou. We’ve got to move. The rest have got to jump,” I told him.

“I guess you're right,” he said and grabbed my hand and we walked out into the lobby.

“Let’s watch from the window and see who jumps next!” I said excitedly.

“I bet it will be Liam and Danielle,” Louis said confidently.

“No way. It will be Jessica and Zayn. Liam will want to go last to make sure everyone got down safely,” I pointed out confidently.

“Want to make a bet of it then?” Louis asked me.

“Sure what do you wager?” I asked.

“Winner gets a piggyback ride off the loser’s back until we are back to the limo,” Louis eyed me mischievously.

“Deal,” I said not breaking the eye contact. I better win. I don’t know if I can carry him.

“Next jumpers in five, four, three, two, one,” the person on the speakers was saying and a few seconds later Jessica and Zayn jumped down and were shot up by the wind to secure a safe landing.

“I win!” I cheered looking at Louis.

“It appears that you did. I still can’t believe I lost,” Louis said and turned around so that his back was to me.

“Now?” I asked.

“Yep. Just hop on,” he said.

I ran to him then and jumped on his back. He caught my legs and hoisted me up so that he could carry me this way. It was quite fun.

“What are you guys doing?” Jessica said as she and Zayn walked into the lobby to where Louis and I were by the window.

“We made a bet. I won. This is payment,” I said simply.

“You ok mate? You never lose anything,” Zayn said to Louis.

“It seems I’ve found my match in Rose. She beat me,” Louis said and I smiled down at him.

“Birthday girl privileges. He just has to do this until we leave. Oh hey look, Harry, Sam, Niall, and Melissa are coming!” I said pointing to the group approaching us.

“We overheard why you’re like that Louis and Rose. Nice jumps guys,” Melissa said to us.

“Oh hey this is Melissa. Melissa meet Jessica, Zayn, and Louis. I think you already met Harry and Sam if you were all together,” I laughed.

“Yes, Niall introduced me. You guys can all call me Meli if you want,” she said nervously.

“Sure thing Meli,” Louis said and smiled at her. He really was so sweet. Maybe that’s why I’m falling for him. Wait, what did I just think?

“Next jumpers in three, two, one,” the speakers announced as Maria and Nate jumped off together.

“Wow, she works fast,” I said in amazement.

“Is that my Maria? Wow, her dreams are coming true today. She loves Nate,” Meli commented right before Nate and Maria walked into the lobby.

“Rose what are you doing to Louis?” Nate asked me seriously.

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