7. First concert you see

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Michael: It took a lot of convincing before your boyfriend, Michael, gave you tickets to see him in concert. He was worried he’d be too nervous with you there. After much begging, there you were. Your friend tagged along and you had great seats. Michael came on stage with the rest of his band and was met with screams from the crowd. You smiled when he met your eye and he gave a nervous smile in return. “This is a very special night,” Michael announced, “My girlfriend, y/n, is here!” Michael announced to the crowd, who cheered back wildly. “If I seem a little more nervous than usual,” he added in a mock-whisper, “It’s because she’s never seen me perform before and well, she’s really hot.” You laughed along with the fans and Michael winked at you.

Luke: You tried not to be upset that your boyfriend, Luke, had to perform on your birthday. He paid to have you flown out to watch, gave you front row tickets, and promised to celebrate with you afterwards. You didn’t have a chance to see Luke before the show, but you were excited to see him on stage. You were surprised that a few fans recognized you and even asked for pictures with you before the show. Finally the lights dimmed and the fans cheered. You got to your feet and yelled with everyone else. Luke caught your eye during the first song and smiled, waving at you. You giggled and waved back. After the song he grabbed his microphone to speak. “Some of you might know that today is y/n’s birthday!” Luke was met with cheers from the fans. “Well she’s here tonight!” The fans nearest you looked over and grinned. You couldn’t help blushing. “Can you all help me sing to her?” The crowd cheered again and Luke led them in singing Happy Birthday. 

Calum: Your best friend, Calum, had been on edge ever since he invited you to see one of his shows. You hoped after the show he’d be his normal, fun-loving self again. You stood in the front row, singing along to his songs. “This last song is new,” Calum said into his microphone, glancing over at you, “And I wanna dedicate it to my best friend, y/n. I mean every word of it.” He smiled at you again nervously before he began singing, “You call me up. It’s like a broken record, saying that your heart hurts. That you’ll never get over him getting over you. And you end up crying. And I end up lying, ‘cause I’m just a sucker for anything that you do…” After the song you met Calum backstage. You ran to him and before he could speak you kissed him. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” You asked. “I - I didn’t know how,” he muttered. “That was perfect,” you reply before kissing him again, causing the other boys to shout and whistle.

Ashton: ”Don’t be nervous!” You tell Ashton, laughing a little bit. “I just wanna impress you,” he explained. You kiss him and rest your forehead against his. “You already impressed me,” You say truthfully. “When we met, and now you don’t have to because -” You felt your heart beating faster and your throat closing up as you attempted to get the words out that you’d been wanting to say. You lifted your head and looked into his eyes searching them as you spoke, “because I love you.” Ashton’s mouth opened in shock and the seconds ticked by, your heart hammering. Finally his open mouth curved into a smile. “I wanted to say it first,” he murmured, laughing a little. You laughed too, until his lips cut you off. “Hey Ash!” You hear Calum call. Ashton pulled away, looking toward Calum and blushing lightly. “Care to join us on stage?” Calum invites with a smirk. “I’ll be watching from back here,” you tell Ash, hugging him quickly. “Good luck,” you add. He pecks your lips before disappearing with the other boys.

(A/N please vote and follow me )

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