69. you have a child from a pass relationship

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Ashton: “Are you sure he will like me?” Ashton asked nervously as you walk up to your ex’s door to pick your little boy Thomas. “Oh course Ashton, don’t worry everything will be fine.” You said reassuringly as you lead him to your sons room. “Hey bud, someones here to meet you.” You said opening his door. “Who?” Thomas asked looking up from his action figure. You walked in his room with Ashton close behind. “Thomas this is Ashton, he is mommy’s very special friend.” You said and Ashton waved nervously. “Do you like action figures?” Thomas asked Ashton. “I love them.” Ashton replayed with a smile. “Do you want to play with my action figures with me?” He asked and Ashton smiled. “Of course bud, I would love to.” Ashton said before sitting next to the boy. You smiled and whispered in to Ashton’s ear. “See nothing to worry about.”

Calum: You laughed again at one of Calum’s very cheesy jokes as you both walked down a path in a park. You frowned to yourself that you shouldn’t be enjoying this date because you know it’s going to end like the other. Them leaving because you have a child. “Are you ok (Y/N)?” You herd Calum ask and you just shrugged. He sighed before stopping. “Come on tell me what’s wrong. Did I say something wrong?” He asked and you shook your head. “I just know what’s going to happen. I tell you the truth and you run like the rest of them.” You replayed sadly. “Well tell me the this truth and you will see.” He said before holding on to your hands lightly. “Well the thing is.. I have a daughter from a past relationship.” You said nervously, watching Calum’s facial features turn to shock then turn to see a little hint a sorrow. “You really thing I would run away just because you have a child? Honestly if your kid is just like you I don’t see the problem one bit.” He said and you smiled. “Really?” You asked is slight disbelief and he nodded. “Of course, and If this goes well, I can’t wait to meet her.”

Michael: You sighed and you sat on the couch next to your best friend Micheal. “Boys suck!” You whine and he looks at you offended. “Hey! I don’t suck, I would say a innuendo joke but Alex is over there playing with his toys.” Michael says with a chuckled. “So I’m guessing your date went terrible.” He said and you nodded. “Ran soon as he herd about Alex. No guy my age wants to date a single mom I guess. Going to be just me and Alex for a very long time.” You sighed, looking over at your 5 year old son. “Well maybe you have been looking for the guy at the wrong places.” Michael said before looking at you. “Maybe, he has been right in front of you the whole time.” You mouth fell agape at his words. “(Y/N), I loved you for so long, and I love Alex so much. Please give me a chance to be with you and be the best father figure Alex could have.” Michael said, while taking you hands in his. “Why couldn’t you say that earlier before I went on that crap date?” You giggled and he smiled. “I was nervous and I’m taking that comment as a yes.”

Luke: “Layla? Where are you sweetie?” You call out looking around the park to find your daughter. “Come on, don’t make mommy worried.” You said nervously looking around you. You herd a familiar giggle behind you. You turned around to see Layla talking to a very attractive strange. “Gosh Layla.” You say quietly before walking over. “You know my mommy is single right.” You herd Layla say and your eyes widen. “Layla honey! What did I say about talking to strangers?” You ask her before picking her up. “I’m sorry if she was bugging you..” “Luke.” He said and smiled. “She wasn’t being a bother at all and I love knowing that her very beautiful mother is single.” Luke said and you blushed. “Oh thank you.” You said and Luke took out his phone. “I was wondering if I could have your number and if I can borrow your mom for a night.” He said looking for permission from your daughter. You giggled as Layla gave him the thumbs up. “Well you have her approval so I guess I can.” You said putting your number in his phone. You smiled wide then giving him back his phone. Happy that you have the best wing-daughter ever

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