93. Another Member Walks In On You Naked

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"Y/n I gotta leave now, you wanna just meet us there?" Luke offered since you weren't quite ready to leave get. They had a concert tonight and Luke really wanted you to go. "Sure ." You shrugged as he rummaged through the bedroom closet for his pair of shoes.  You were still in the middle of changing, of almost completely naked when out of nowhere Michael walked through the bedroom door. Apparently Luke hadn't locked it. "LUKE HURRY U- Oh hey y/n." Michael smirked and within a second Luke was trying to shove him out the door. "MICHAEL WHAT THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF KNOCKING!?" Luke shrieked. "Can't I stay a little longer!? I really like the view." He laughed as Luke tried to shut the door while Michael was still in the doorway. "Bye y/n, nice seeing you!" He yelled before Luke slammed the door. "Hurry up!" Michael yelled one more time before slamming his fist on the door again and walking away while laughing. "I hate him." "You know you love him." You laughed. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his lips to yours. "I'm still gonna kill him though." He whispered. "Okay well hurry up and go before another one of them walks in." You giggled and he finished putting on his shoes and kissed you goodbye.


"Hey babe." Michael smiled as you slowly woke up, a little bit of sunlight shining through the bedroom window. "Good morning." You yawned as you started to sit up. "Last night was amazing, we should do it again sometime." He smirked. "I might take you up on that offer." You walked over and started going through your dresser for some clothes to wear."Michael have you seen my shirt?" "Which one?" He yelled from the bathroom. "The one with the-" "Michael where have you been!? We've been looking for-" Luke stopped talking when he saw you standing there naked, too shocked to do anything but stand there staring. "OH MY GOD LUKE WHAT ARE YO-" "I am so sorry I should've knocked first and-" "LUKE WHAT THE FUCK!?" Michael yelled as he walked out of the bathroom to see what was going on. He through the first thing he saw at Luke, which happened to be a shoe, but Luke just dodged it and ran out the door with Michael running after him. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" "I DIDN'T MEAN TO I BARELY SAW ANYTHING!" Luke defended as there voices got farther away. All of a sudden you heard a loud crash and then they were quiet. Great. Now you were left to figure out what they'd broken this time.


"I hate all of you." You said as you walked through the 5sos house soaking wet because they'd pushed you in the pool. "You know you love us." Michael laughed. "That's what you think." You mumbled as Calum walked up behind you. "You can borrow some of my clothes." Calum offered as he led you to his bedroom. "Stop looking." You told Calum as you were about to undress. He just laughed. "Fine." He sighed over  dramatically as he turned around.  You undressed and were about to pull on one of Calum's shirts when all you hear is "oh wow." And turn to see Ashton in the doorway with his mouth hanging open. You instantly screamed and Calum turned to see what was wrong. Ashton's face turned bright red. "Did I just say that out loud!?! Oh god- I didn't mean to- I'm sorry I didn't know! I'm just gonna go." He gasped as he turned and ran out the door before Calum got to him. Calum shut the door just as you finished pulling his shirt on. "So he gets  to see you naked and I don't?" He pouted and wrapped his arms around you. "Well it wasn't really my choice but that's what you get for laughing when they pushed me in." You giggled. "I'm sorry...can I still see you naked later? Ashton got too." He asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "Maybe." You smirked as you walked out of the room, him following behind.


Today you were going to the beach with the boys just to hang out. Ashton was pretty excited so he ended up rushing you into the car without even giving you the chance to change into your bikini. Once you got there, you were going to go to the little changing rooms they had near the boardwalk, but it was closed. "Come on you can just change in the car." Ashton said and tossed you the keys to unlock it. Once you got in you started changing. A few seconds later someone opened the car door. "Hey I forgot my phon- OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY!!!" Calum shrieked, covering his eyes and feeling around the seat for his phone. "CALUM GET OUT!" Ashton yelled and Calum finally grabbed his phone, still having his eyes covered. "You're right sorry! I'm gonna lea-" he hit his head on the car ceiling as he climbed out of the car. "BYE!" he yelled as he shut the door. "I can't believe that just happened." Ashton groaned. It was silent for a minute. "But did you see his face though?" you asked. You both started laughing. "Come on we should catch up with them now." he laughed

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