11. He snap chat

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Calum: Michael sees Calum’s phone light up with a snap chat from you and decides to open it. He sees a picture of you making some sort of interpretation of a gangster with the caption “whaddup” Snapping a picture quickly, Michael responds with “Calum’s busy right now” and a picture calum in a bra 

Michael: You take a picture of you making the creepiest face you can imagine and type out “i’m hot,” sending it to Michael. In only seconds his response of “u actually r though” comes in with this picture: making a funny face.

Luke: Luke opens a snap chat from you to see a picture of you with your tongue sticking out and eyes squinted. He reads your caption, “dont u wish ur girlfriend was hot like me” and laughs. He takes a picture of himself and types back, “um shes exactly like u” sending this with a picture of him with a smile on his face 

Ashton: You send Ashton a snap chat of you holding up a pile of wrapped presents captioned, “in the mail as we speak !” A minute later you receive his response. “What did i do to deserve u?”  with a picture of him and luke 

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