95.Caught in a heated moment another member is your brother

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"Sssshhh you gotta be quiet." Ashton giggled as he kissed you gently backstage. They were doing sound check and it was now break time and Ashton whisked you away to the dressing room for a few minutes of alone time. "Ashton we probably shouldn't be doing this right now." You mumbled, trying to fight your own urges as he kissed down your neck, slowly undressing himself at the same time. You were sitting on one of the tables where the stylists usually got the boys ready and did their hair or what not, with him standing between your legs. "You're so beautiful."He breathed, this time pressing kisses to your lips. "ARE YOU FUCKING MY SISTER!?!" You heard someone shriek and looked up to see Michael standing in the doorway. "HOLY SH- Michael I was just-" He was cut off by Michael shoving him against the wall. "I swear t fucking god-" Michael started but was interrupted by Luke. "Whoa what's going on you guys can't you just talk this out?" He suggested calmly. "Stay out of it Luke." Michael seethed as Calum walked in the door. "Michael just leave him alone." You groaned before Calum stepped in between them. "Come on, I'm sure Ashton has a good explanation for this." Calum said, trying to bring down the hostility. "not really...." Ashton muttered under his breathe but quickly but his hands up innocently when he noticed Michael had heard him and shot a death glare. "We gotta finish sound check guys." Luke stated. "Fine. We'll talk about this later. Just don't do anything you wouldn't want me to know about." Michael warned before walking out and Ashton breathed a sigh of relief.


You heard Calum's phone go off for about the fifth time as he laid on top of you. "Just ignore it." You whined as he picked it up, checking to see who it was. "But it's Ashton." He said. "Thats exactly why you should ignore it." You giggled before reattaching your lips to his. He began to take his shirt off and did the same to you. That's when someone barged in without even knocking. "Hey Cal why have you been ignoring my-WHY IS MY SISTER IN YOUR ROOM!?" Ashton yelled in surprise as you both scrambled to get your clothes back on. "Ashton I can-" "AND WHY IS SHE IN YOUR BED!?" "We were just-" "AND WHY WERE YOU ON TOP OF HER!?!!?" He shouted. "Ashton calm down I can explain." Calum started. "No you know what, I don't wanna know. Just for the love of God put your clothes back on." Ashton sighed as he walked back out very red-faced.


"You sure we have time to do this?" Luke breathed in between kisses as he pulled his shirt off over his head. "Stop worrying, my parents are gone and Calum won't be back for another hour." You moaned as he kissed your neck, showing no more hesitation. He lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you to your bedroom and slammed the door shut, laying you down before climbing on top of you, never once taking his lips from yours. He started to unbuckle his belt and was about to lift off your shirt when you heard the snap of a camera from behind you and looked up to see Calum taking the picture with his phone. "Get off my sister or I'm sending this to your mom." He warned. At that Luke quickly put his shirt back on."No Calum don't she's gonna kill me! SHE'LL GIVE ME THE TALK." Luke pleaded. "Should've thought about that before you tried to fuck my sister." He shrugged and ran away with his phone as Luke chased after him, stumbling out the door as he tried to pull his pants back up. You followed as well. "Calum this isn't funny!"You yelled. Luke tackled Calum and tried to snatch the phone when all of a sudden Calum gasped really loudlu and both of them stopped moving and went silent. "You made me press the send button!" Calum shrieked. "I'm so dead." Luke groaned, rolling onto the floor. "We could always go hide out at Mikey's house." Calum shrugged. "Finee..." "Calum you can't just steal my boyfriend!" You scoffed as he walked out the door. "He can't resist this." He joked and kept walking. "Sorry babe. We'll finish this next time." Luke apologized, kissing you before following Calum.


"Michael stop we're gonna get caught!" You whispered as he quickly kissed down your neck. "I know you're enjoying this, I can see you smiling."He grinned as he kept doing what he was doing. He had a point. He'd just sneaked through your window and it was about 9 pm now. "Lukes home right now what if he finds out!?"You said. "He won't!" he replied before pressing his lips yours, making you lose all self restraint as you gave in. He quickly ripped off his jacket, not taking his lips from yours as he pulled the covers over the both of you. He was now on top of you, supporting his wait with his arms. "Hey y/n can I borrow your-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Luke shouted as he barged into your room. "What does it look like!?" Michael shouted back not even bothering to get off of you yet as he laid only in his boxers. You tried not to laugh at Luke which was pretty hard since he was beginning to blush. "Get off of her!" Luke yelled, trying and failing to sound intimidating as his voice cracked and he pulled Michael onto his feet. "Get out." Luke said. You really think I'm scared of you? What are you gonna do if I don't?" Michael challenged. "You're not scared of me? Okay.....HEY DAD, CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A MINUTE?" Luke yelled down the hallway, smirking the whole time. Both yours and Michael's eyes widened. "Shit" he breathed as he grabbed his clothes off the floor and started climbing out your window just as your dad walked in, seeing him practically naked and trying to get out fast. "MICHAEL CLIFFORD I'LL FUCKING-" Your dad starting shouting, making his way over to grab him but he quickly dove out the window and slammed it shut.

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