37. You're child walk in on you

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Ashton: “Okay, Jonah,” Ashton sighs, “I know you don’t need this but your mom insists I tell you anyway. Um, this is your first date, and well, I don’t want you to get a reputation or get someone pregnant or disrespect a girl in any way and -” “Dad, Dad, I got it! You can stop there,” Jonah insists. “I just want to make sure that you know not to push a girl past what she’s comfortable with,” Ashton explains, “And just - just don’t, ya know, don’t have sex okay?” “Okay!” Jonah says, looking down, embarrassed. “Okay,” Ashton repeats with an uncomfortable laugh. “Have fun,” he adds as Jonah grabs his car keys and heads out. Ashton returns to the living room and sighs as he sits next to you on the couch. “That was awful,” he mutters as you start the movie. You chuckle, cuddling up to Ashton and kissing him lightly. You move to pull away, but Ashton pulls you back, biting your lip and making you giggle. “Jonah’s out,” Ashton whispers, “Harper is babysitting at the neighbors’, and Reese has been asleep for hours.” He kisses you again and you kiss back hungrily. "We didn’t really watch the movie," you giggle a few hours later as Ashton draws circles on your thighs. "We can watch it tomorrow," Ashton whispers, nibbling at your earlobe. "We have the rest of the night to do whatever we want," Ashton sighs against your skin. "We already have," you point out, laughing. "We could go again," Ashton suggests, pushing you back until you’re lying down. You wrap your bare legs around his waist as he kisses across your collarbone. "Holy -"  You look up to see Jonah, drop his keys and take off toward his room. "Oops," Ashton says sheepishly. You stand in the kitchen the next morning, cooking breakfast and listening to Harper tell Ashton and Reese about her babysitting experience when Jonah walks out of his room. He clears his throat and takes a seat at the table. "How was your date?" Ashton asks politely. "It was good, not as good as yours I’m sure," Jonah responds with a smirk. "Right, well, we’re married," Ashton mutters. "Of course, of course," Jonah agrees, "I just wouldn’t want you to get a bad reputation. Or get anyone pregnant." Ashton looks down, clearly trying hard not to laugh. "What’s he talking about, Dad?" Reese asks. "I have no idea," Ashton replies. "Just make sure to have safe sex, Reese," Jonah says seriously. "Jonah!" You scold, throwing a piece of bacon at his head. Ashton bursts out laughing and Harper looks around confused as Jonah ducks under the table, laughing uncontrollably. 

Michael: “It’s not that scary,” Michael insists, putting in the DVD and sitting next to you on the couch. “Fine,” you huff, glancing nervously at your son, Noah. “Let me watch it, Mommy! I’m brave!” Noah insists. You sigh, but give in, allowing Michael to play the movie. Ten minutes into the movie you feel Michael’s hand sliding up your thigh. “Michael, don’t,” you warn. “Noah’s asleep,” Michael points out with a mischievous grin. You sigh, rolling your eyes at him. “It’s been ages,” Michael groans as his hand slides higher and higher. “Let me just put Noah to bed and -” “He’s fine here,” Michael insists. “Come on,” Michael says, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the bedroom. He shuts the door, locking it behind him before pulling you to the bed. He pulls you onto his lap, your legs on either side of him, and you give in, kissing him hungrily. He smirks into the kiss before moving away from your lips to your neck, nipping at the soft skin. His fingers play with the hem of your shirt, sliding it slowly up. A light knock at the door makes you both freeze. Sighing, you pull your shirt back down and slide off the bed, walking toward the door. “What’s wrong, babe?” You say, kneeling in front of Noah. “I had a nightmare,” he mumbles, rubbing his eyes, “from the movie.” “Oh no,” you say, hugging him and glaring at Michael. “Come on, I’ll tuck you in,” you say, taking his hand.  ”Can I sleep with you and Daddy?” He asks, looking up at you with round, puppy dog eyes. “Of course,” you say, allowing him into your room. “Will you stay with me?” He asks as he clambers into your bed. “I’d be happy to,” you say, pulling down the covers and tucking Noah in. Michael sighs and you look at him reprovingly. “You’re the one that said the movie wasn’t scary,” you point out as you climb into bed. “Now you’ll have to wait for tomorrow night,” you say with a shrug. Michael groans, falling onto the bed on the other side of Noah. “Wait for what?” Noah asks, confused. “Nothing, honey,” you say, kissing his forehead, “Just go to sleep.”

Luke: “Y/n!” You hear Luke behind you and you jump, nearly spilling the entire jar of pasta sauce. “You scared me,” you muttered, glaring at him as you poured the sauce over noodles. “Sorry,” he says with a smirk, sitting up on the counter and watching you. “How was rehearsal?” You ask him. “Tiring,” he sighs, taking your wrist and pulling you toward him. He hops off the counter, landing in front of you and leaning back against it, pulling you against him. “I have to finish dinner,” you murmur as he tries to kiss you. “Come on,” he coaxes, rolling over so you’re against the counter. You giggle and hop up onto the counter, wrapping your legs around Luke and pulling him closer. You wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him. He smirks into the kiss, pulling on your lip and grinding his hips into you. “Luke,” you moan into his mouth, “Troy and Bridget are home.” “That’s okay,” Luke sighs, kissing your neck. You tilt your head back, allowing Luke better access to kiss and suck at the exposed skin. “Mom, what’s for dinner?” Troy calls as he enters the kitchen. “Ew!” He yells as Luke pulls away from you, “Ew never mind! I’m not hungry!” He hurries away and Luke laughs. “Okay I really have to start dinner,” you say seriously, hopping off the counter. “No you don’t,” Luke argues, “Troy just said he’s not hungry.” You laugh but turn back to the pot anyway, stirring again. “Come on,” Luke groans behind you, grabbing your hips and kissing your neck from behind. “Luke,” you murmur as you try to focus on the food, “s-stop.” “Why?” Luke breathes against your skin. You give in, turning around and connecting your lips with Luke’s again. You let his tongue slip into your mouth and you tangle your hands in his hair. “Mom!” You hear, making you pull away. “Mom the pot is boiling over!” Your daughter, Bridget, sprints into the kitchen and moves the pot before turning and glaring at you. “Irresponsible,” she scolds, shaking her head before walking away. “See what you did?” You say to Luke, trying not to laugh. 

Calum: “Hey, Luke,” Calum says, sitting by Luke and putting an arm around him. “Luke Hemmings, my best friend,” he continues. “What do you want?” Luke asks flatly. “Can you watch Gabi? Please? Y/n and I haven’t had any time alone this entire tour, if you know what I mean.” “Woah there, okay! I’ll watch her, but I don’t need to hear about your alone time,” Luke says, shuddering. “Okay great! She’s in the front of the bus with Y/n. Just - just keep her out of the back area,” Calum says, patting Luke’s shoulder. Luke sighs but stands up, following Calum to the front where Gabi sat on twitter. “Gabi,” Calum says, “You’re gonna hang out with Luke tonight okay?” “Whatever,” Gabi replies, rolling her eyes. “Perfect,” Calum nods, beckoning to you and leading you back. Luke takes a seat by Gabi and sighs. “So what do you wanna do?” Luke says with false excitement. “I’m thirteen,” Gabi states, “I don’t need a babysitter.” “Fine,” Luke mutters, pulling out his own phone and pulling up twitter. Meanwhile, Calum shuts the doors to the back lounge, dimming the lights and leading you to the couch. “It’s been so long,” you sigh as Calum traces shapes on your legs. You connect your lips with his and he smiles, quickly removing your shirt as you remove his. The two of you are completely undressed in seconds and he pushes you to lay down on the couch. “I need to grab my charger,” Gabi tells Luke, “Am I allowed out of my seat or am I in timeout or something?” “Yeah, uh, go for it,” Luke mutters, distracted. You hear the door slide open and look up as Gabi screams, slamming the door shut again. “Are you okay?” Luke calls to her. “M-my parents,” she whispers, wide-eyed. “Oh, I was supposed to keep you from going back there,” Luke remembers, cursing under his breath. You dress quickly, and Calum does, too, muttering about how he’s going to kill Luke. You exit the back room and walk to the front where Luke sits, looking guilty, and Gabi sits on her phone. “I don’t wanna talk about it,” Gabi says immediately, “Please don’t talk about it.” You can’t help but laugh a little, until Gabi says, “It’s not funny.” “Thanks for your help, Lucas,” Calum mutters, hitting him on the head. 

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