28. You surprise visit on tour with your

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Luke: “Where’s daddy?” Your daughter, age 5, asks eagerly. “He’s singing, Bridget!” Her twin brother, Troy says, pointing toward the stage. “This is the last song,” you tell them, waiting patiently for Luke to finish. “Thank you all for coming!” You hear him say to the audience. He follows the others off stage, and your kids meet him before you do. “Daddy!” They squeal in unison, running at him. “Hey!” He says, crouching down next to them. “I didn’t know you guys were coming!” He hugs them both tightly, smiling up at you as they cling to his shoulders. “We missed Superman, Daddy!” Troy says, reaching his arms toward the sky. “Alright!” Luke says, hopping up, “You first then.” He grabs Troy, running around the room with him held up. Troy giggled as he soared through the room. “And to Mommy!” Luke says, passing Troy to you and jogging over to Bridget, scooping her up and taking the same track around the room. He collapses on the couch with Bridget and you fall next to him, laughing as Luke pants for breath. “They missed you,” you sigh, leaning on his shoulder as Troy scurried to join Bridget on Luke’s lap. “I missed them,” Luke says, smiling down at them. “I missed you,” he adds, leaning down and connecting your lips to his. “Ew!” Troy screams, punching Luke in the chest. Luke pulls away, and turns to Troy. “C’mon,” Luke says, lifting him up, “I need to teach you how to punch! You too, B!” The kids hop off his lap, and begin the lesson in boxing. “Go try it on Uncle Cal,” Luke whispers, pointing them in the direction of Calum. They nod obediently and run off, leaving Luke to rejoin you on the couch and reconnect your lips.

Michael: You walk hand in hand with your five-year-old son, Noah, across the street to the venue where Michael would be performing. “Why do people keep taking pictures of us?” Noah asks, looking around at the staring girls. “Because they think you’re cute,” you tell him, as you make your way through the crowds to the back stage entrance. “Oh!” Noah says, waving at the girls now. “C’mon,” you laugh, pulling him along behind you. “Are we seeing Daddy now?” He asks, hopping excitedly. “When his show’s over,” you reply, leading him backstage. “There he is!” You say, pointing at Michael on stage, who is introducing the next song. “Daddy!” Noah squeals, taking off full speed towards the stage. “Noah!” You call, but he doesn’t come back. He runs onto stage, hugging Michael’s leg tightly. “Hey!” Michael says in surprise, looking down at Noah as the fans scream. “How’d you get here?” He asks, lifting Noah up to reach the microphone. “Mommy brought me!” He says into the microphone, pointing back at you. Michael looks over and you wave guiltily, making him laugh. “Mommy said these girls think I’m cute!” Noah said, waving at the audience. “Wanna sing for them?” Michael invites. “Okay!” Noah agrees, leaning toward the microphone and belting the lyrics to Heartbreak Girl. “Thanks, bud,” Michael says at the end, “Can you go back to Mommy and I’ll see you after the show?” Noah nods and Michael sets him down so he can skip back to you happily.

Calum: Your four-year-old daughter, Gabriela, sits on your lap, watching Calum with interest. “Does Dad know we’re here?” She whispers to you. “It’s a surprise!” You whisper back. She grins broadly and turns her attention back to the stage. “This next song is called Over and Over!” Calum says. The song starts and you sway back and forth with Gabriela in your lap. Luke notices you and waves, drawing the attention of Michael, who grins and glances at Calum. Noticing the boys’ behavior, Calum follows their eyes to you. He breaks into a wide smile, dropping his pick and clearly forgetting where he was. You laugh as the boys turn to Calum, waiting for him to realize he was supposed to be singing. “Gabi!” He says excitedly, crouching down and stretching his arms out. You let her go and she runs to Calum, falling into his arms. The boys and fans collectively ‘awe’ as Calum hugs your daughter tightly. “I’ve missed you!” He says, not letting go of her. “Daddy, you’re squishing me!” She laughs, wriggling out of his arms. “Sorry, Gabs,” he says letting go. She grins, pecking his lips and crawling into his arms again. “Mommy’s here, too ya know,” she says. Calum smiles and looks up at you, beckoning you onto the stage. You sigh but go out to him and he hugs you tightly. “You’re so much farther along than I thought!” He says, feeling your stomach. “I felt it kick yesterday,” you said with a grin. His eyes widened and he smiled bigger. “Guys, uh, we’re in the middle of a show,” Luke mutters, nodding towards the audience. “Right,” Calum says, shaking his head and coming back to reality. “Guys, here’s new baby Hood!” He says into the microphone, pointing at your stomach. You laugh, modeling your baby bump for the audience. “Okay,” Calum sighs, “I love you girls but get off my stage!” He jokes, pushing you gently. You laugh, pecking his lips and letting Gabi give him one last hug before heading off stage to wait.

Ashton: “Jonah, put that down,” you sigh as your five-year-old son starts poking your four-year-old daughter with a drumstick. “Mom, he didn’t put it down!” She whines, pushing him away. “Harper, just watch Daddy!” You say, pointing out at the stage. “I can’t with Jonah hitting me!” She protests. “I wanna drum like Daddy!” Jonah states, drumming on Harper’s legs. “You’re very good, Jonah!” You compliment, “But why don’t you drum on the floor instead of your sister?” Jonah nods and takes a seat on the floor, banging it wildly. “I wanna drum, too!” Harper states. You grab another drumstick from the table offstage and hand it to Harper, who takes a seat beside her brother. You watch them, laughing lightly and shaking your head at how adorable your kids were. “Wow, we’ve got some real child prodigies over here!” You look up to see Ashton staring down at the three of you on the floor. “Daddy!” The kids shout, hopping up and running at him. “Woah, watch those drumsticks!” He laughs, removing the sticks from their hands before enveloping them in a huge hug. “I didn’t know you guys were coming!” He says, pecking your lips. “Surprise!” Jonah shouts. “Surprise!” Harper repeats. “Surprise!” You laugh, kissing Ashton again. “Stop kissing!” Jonah screams. “Come here!” You call, grabbing Jonah and kissing his cheek, tickling his sides. He squeals, kicking and screaming as you hold him on your lap, tickling relentlessly. Harper laughs at him until Ashton scoops her up, tickling under her chin and blowing raspberries on her stomach. Out of breath, the tickling dies down as you all breathe heavily. “Get Daddy!” Jonah yells, lunging at Ashton with Harper by his side. You join in, laughing as Ashton tries to escape. “If you stop,” he pants, “I’ll let you drum on a real drum set!” The tickling stops immediately and the two kids hop up, being lead by Ashton toward his drums, leaving you to watch with a wide grin matching Ashton’s.

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