55. Silent Treatment

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Calum: "Stop it!" you shriek, laughing as Calum hits you with the pillow, straight into your rib cage.You try and toss a pillow at him in return, but miss by a mile, making him grin victoriously. "You have no aim" he laughs at you, getting in another hit with his weapon. "Don’t I?" you retort, kicking him very close to his sensitive area, where no boy EVER wants to be kicked. "Next time, it’ll be for real" you warn him, glee glinting challengingly in your eyes. "If you do, i’ll punch you in the boob! Then again, you probably won’t even feel it" he yells back, a playfully wild look on his face. Your smile drops, as you stare in disbelief at Calum. You frown, your bottom lip quivering slightly, like it always does when you’re hurt. Calum’s warrior mode extinguishes, as he realises he’s struck a nerve. "Babe? Babe, i’m sorry, I didn’t mean it!" he immediately apologises, coming closer. You pinch your lips, signalising you are not talking to him, crawling onto the bed and curling into a ball on your side. "Babe! (Y/n)? Come on, please don’t be upset, I didn’t mean it in a bad way, i’m sorry…." he mumbles humbly, putting his chin on your arm, no doubt making cute and adorable pouty faces to get you to forgive him. You don’t reply to him and lay there in silence for a few seconds. He finally sighs, getting up and turning his back, when you jump up and attack him from behind, holding him in a head lock. "ADMIT DEFEAT, PEASANT!" you cry loudly, chuckling at your prank. "Wait, you aren’t mad?" he asks, perplexed. "Of course not, silly! Since when is having big boobs a bad thing? I just really wanted to win" you smirk, as Calum finally gives up. You still have him pinned under you on the bed. "Now for your punishment" you gleam, hovering inches over his lips. His eyes close, anticipating the kiss, but instead of leaning in, you roll on your back and put your feet in his face. "Foot rub!" you demand, taking immense joy over the disappointment in his face. "Fair enough" he rolls his eyes, surrendering and massaging your feet. You love winning against Calum in play fights.

Michael: "But then Giavanna went all crazy psycho bitch on Leah’s ass and was lll "no YOU stole my boyfriend" even though he dated Leah first! Well actually he dated Breely first, but she is such a slut, she herself can’t even keep count of who she’s dated…" you chatter on and on about the newest girl drama to your boyfriend Michael. "Are you listening to me? Well anyway, then Leah was all "Well obviously he didn’t want you so he" "Oh my god can you shut UP?" Michael exclaims, finally looking up fro his video game. "What?" you say, taken aback. "You have talked no stop since you got here, do you not need OXYGEN at some point?" he asks, rubbing his temples, as if you are giving him a headache. "Fine, i’ll shut up" you mutter darkly, crossing your arms and sinking into the couch. Michael goes back to his video game, completely unfazed. "Hey, do you reckon we should get Thai? I mean I would say pizza, but we eaten that for three days in a row now, I think we need to eat something healthy" he chimes in after a few minutes of silence. You don’t even turn to look at him, but stare blankly at the wall. You feel like a stubborn, petulant child, but you don’t care. "Babe?" Michael repeats, glancing over to you. "Oh come on, are you seriously mad?" he asks. When all he gets in return is more silence, he pauses his game and slithers down the couch, placing his head in your lap. "Come on, give us a smile" he coos, as if you are 3 years old. "Alright then…." he sighs, starting to tickle you, which naturally makes you burst into laughter. "STOP!" you scream breathlessly, when Michael has clearly dominated you. "You’re impossible" you tell him. He grins cheekily, giving you a small kiss on the cheek. "So thai?" he asks again. "Meh, order another pizza and just add some paprika. That’s healthy right?" you reply. "You are literally my dream girl" Michael gushes.

Ashton: "Hey baby! Where have you been?" Ashton asks cheerily, watching you stomp through the front door. You do not reply to him, simply throwing his an evil glare. His sparkly, excited expression fades into a confused and cutely fazed one. "What happened?" he inquires, following you with his eyes as you start to take off your jacket and shoes in the hall. You give him another death stare, clearly demonstrating he has been served with the silent treatment. He hates it when you do that. "What did I do? Did I forget something?" he asks, eyes wide. You curl your lips, which he takes as a yes. "What is it? A birthday? It’s not your birthday is it? No, that was in May. Your sister’s birthday? No? Um…. Oh, is it our anniversary? Or like our monthly anniversary or something?" You shake your head, still not talking. "Please just give me a hint, babe! Talk to me! Ok fine, was it Women’s Independence day? Or Earth Day or something and I forgot not to honour it? I know you’re passionate about all that stuff….." "For God’s sake, Ashton, you were meant to pick me up from Aria’s house two hours ago! I had to WALK home because I had no cab money and my phone died!" you finally blurt. "Oh! OH shit that’s right! Aw, (y/n), i’m really sorry!" he pouts, coming over to give you a hug, which you reluctantly accept. "Come, sit down, i’ll make you something to eat. Watch some TV, i’ll make it up to you!" he promises, scurrying around like a over-energised puppy, which makes you smile. You can’t ever stay mad at Ashton for long, but you ARE going to take full advantage of his cooking!

Luke: "LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS!" you yell through the house, anger boiling within you. He shuffles into the kitchen, wearing a sheepish expression. "Did you and Calum have a fight? Did you bully him so much he his in a dustbin?" you demand from him. His ashamed look saying it all. "You are calling Calum and apologizing right now!" you tell him, matter-of-factly. "I don’t want to…" he mumbles like an embarrassed school boy. "I am not speaking to you until you do! That includes no benefits. Of ANY kind! Make it right!" you pressure him, handing him the phone with a pointed look. He stares at it, not taking it out of your hand. "Do I have to?" he asks. You raise an eyebrow, sticking to your vow of silence. He sighs, taking the phone off you and dialing Calum;s number. "Cal? hey, it’s…. Luke. I just wanted to…. apologise for earlier" he says awkwardly. You gesture at him to elaborate. "And tell you that i love you" he says. Ok, not what you were going for, but fair enough. Luke listens to Calum on the other line, his face starting to lighten up by the second. "Ok. Yeah, sounds good. Alright, see you mate." he hangs up. "See, all settled. Are you talking to me again?" You pretend to think about it, but are weakened by his hopelessly cute and pleading face, as he comes near you and presses his lips onto yours. "Fine, you got me" you tell him, grinning. "But play nice with the boys in the future" you warn him, before sinking into another kiss.

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