97. Both want to be the big spoon/little spoon

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Calum-"Calum stop!" You giggled. "But I need you to hold me this time. You always get to be the little spoon." He laughed. Everytime you tried to change positions he'd turn his back to you and laugh. "I'M FRAGILE AND I HAVE NEEDS TOO Y/N." He yelled. "What the hell are you talking about?" You laughed while pulling on his shoulder, trying to get him to roll over. "I don't even know, just come here." He said giggling as he gave into you and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.

Luke- "Luke roll over!" You yelled."No!"he replied "Don't make me do this." You warned."Do what?" He questioned. You suddenly jumped on top of him, straddling his waist and started slapping his arm repeatedly. All he did was sit there and fake scream in a really high pitched voice, and you fell back onto the bed because you couldn't stop laughing. "Is that the best you got?" He laughed. "I guess so. Maybe I'll just go cuddle with your penguin." You stated and got up, walking away from him."What are you doing!? Get back here!" He said as he wrapped both arms around your waist and pulled you down onto the bed, kissing you. "I win." You smirked.

Michael-"I'm the man now let me hold you!" He yelled, slightly agitated as you managed to squirm out of his grasp again."Nope." You giggled, enjoying his frustation. "For fucks sake" he said under his breath. He grabbed both your wrists in one hand and pinned them above your head. "I'm not afraid to do this." He smiled and your eyes got wide, knowing what was coming. All of a sudden, he attacked your sides with his free hand and you screamed loudly because he knew exactly where you were ticklish. "OKAY OKAY I GIVE UP!!" You screamed. "Good." He smirked as he kissed down your neck and pulled you into him.

Ashton- You laid down with Ashton and began wrapping your arms around before he pushed them away."y/n thats my job." He whined as he tried to wrap his arms around you. "Not tonight'" you replied. "But it makes me feel manly. Don't emasculate me." He replied and you started laughing. He just grinned and said "Do you need me to remind you how manly I am?" as he straddled your waist and pinned your hands above your head. "Maybe tonight. Just cuddle me already!" You blushed, giving into him as he wrapped his arms around you.

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