70. after you first time

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Ashton: He’s holding you so closely, almost like a newborn baby, so afraid he broke you. “D-did I hurt you?” He whispers, running his hands through your hair, being as gentle as possible. No matter how good it felt for him, it wouldn’t matter because he hurt you. Hs whispering sweet nothing’s into your ear, rubbing your back as slow as possible. And no matter how many times you said you’re fine, he would blame himself for hurting you, jetting out endless apologies.

Calum: You’re both sitting up in the bed, and he’s drawing slow patterns of shapes all up and down your skin. “You did so good beautiful” he whispers, lips touching the outer shell of your ear “so good”. And his words are slow and calming in your ear, speaking slow and soft, drawing out his words, his accent strong and prominent. Both of your heartbeats are still beating rapidly.

Luke: Afterwards, Luke’s panting heavily, still coming down from his never ending high. His eyes are hooded and heavy, holding you closely. He doesn’t have to say anything, just the touches, kisses and looks he’s giving are enough to soothe your pain. He’s looking at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world, leaving slow open mouthed kisses all up and down your neck, his touches light and airy. Finally an “I love you” comes out, right before he falls asleep, holding you.

Michael: He’s cracking jokes about anything, trying to lighten the intense mood in the air, sitting up with you and giggling into your ear. “You did great you know?” He smiles, rubbing your shoulders, making a joke about something Calum did last night. And it was like Michael to do this, always trying to lighten the mood, when he stops smiling for a moment “I didn’t hurt you…..did I?”. Even though you shake your head no, he’s still a bit scared, but he makes more jokes, falling asleep smiling.

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