54. Taking a break

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Calum: “It’s really hard to level with you when you’re being this unreasonable and fucking stubborn!” Calum hisses through clenched teeth, his agitation apparent. “I’m not being unreasonable! I’m standing up for myself because you are being unfair!  You’re the one who started this whole thing!” you counter, folding your arms. Calum sighs. That isn’t unusual, you often get an exasperated sigh and an eye roll out of him, but this one is more sad, almost defeated. He shakes his head slowly, massaging his temples. “We can’t keep doing this, (y/n). I am tired of all the fighting over tiny things. I think…. I think we should take a break” he says, his tone husky and soft, almost inaudible. His words cut you like knives, leaving deep and exposed wounds behind. You stare at him, hoping he’ll change his mind, but he simply stands there, head bowed to avoid eye contact, silent. “Fine. If that’s what you want” you reply, tear-stricken, storming out of the room, trying to keep your composure with Calum still in hearing distance, rapidly rushing out of his house, feeling more devastated than you’ve ever been.

Ashton: "Ashton? ASHTON!" you nudge him, awakening him from his trance, his dark green eyes losing that glazed over, absent-minded look as he returns to earth. "What?" he asks, blinking in confusion. "Did you listen to ANYTHING i just said?" you ask in annoyance. His guilty face basically answers your question and adds to your anger. Ashton has been very distant lately, not at all his usual bubbly, lively self. He finds excuses to avoid you, day dreams when you talk, has stopped paying attention to small things you loved when he noticed like if you got a new dress or just telling you that you look beautiful today. "Why won’t you just tell me what’s got you so preoccupied lately?" you prod him. This isn’t the first time you’ve asked, but as usual, you get the standard reply of a small shrug and a change in topic. However this time, you aren’t thrown off that easily. "Ashton, please just talk to me! I want to know what’s going on with you!" "Maybe it’s none of your business" he snaps, in a sudden show of coldness. You are a little taken aback by his snarky, abrupt comment, but that is soon replaced by sadness. "Fine. Have it your way. Don’t bother calling. Consider this as a break until you figure out whether I am worth your time" you growl. "You can see yourself out" you add, stomping into your room, slamming the door with a bang.

Luke: "Please, (y/n)? I’m sorry" he begs again, his patheticness clear in his desperate tone. You continue to ignore him, as you jump out of his car, walking away from him as fast as your new heels will take you. "(Y/n)! Stop!" he pleads, trying to catch up. You spin around furiously, glaring at him. "Why should I waste another SECOND of my time on you, Lucas? Clearly, your band is more important to you than i’ll ever be, you’ve made THAT abundantly clear by standing me up not once, not twice, but THREE times this month, on top of forgetting my birthday last week! I am obviously just not that important to you!" you scream at him, feeling some kind of relief at letting it all out. "I know i’ve screwed up, things have been a little hectic…" "A little? A LITTLE?" you yell, but stop yourself before going into a fresh rant. "You know what, Luke? Take all the time you need. You don’t have to worry about your stupid girlfriend anymore. Let’s take a break. You can do whatever it is you need to do and I can stop wasting my time with someone who will never care as much as I do" you tell him with a finality that leaves no room for discussion. With that, you leave Luke in your dust on the road, locking your front door behind you as you close it behind you.

Michael: "Why can’t you just fucking TRUST me?" he yells, a prominent vein in his forehead throbbing angrily. "Because, Michael! What would YOU think if you saw all these pictures plastered all over the internet and magazines?” you retort, frustrated that Michael won’t give even a little in this argument. “I would believe you if you said you weren’t sleeping with any of them, that’s what i’d do!” he retaliates confidentially. “Bullshit! You’d forbid me from making contact with them ever again, because you hypocrite!” you sneer. You can tell you’ve overstepped by the way Michael’s jaw clenches and his brows furrow even deeper than before. “Well, if you know me so fucking well then why question that i’m sleeping with those girls huh?” he yells, your comment having rubbed him the wrong way. He is obviously convinced that, roles reversed, he wouldn’t be making such a big drama. “I can’t deal with this right now, (y/n). I think you should go” he adds, a little more quiet and calmer. “Michael, this discussion isn’t over just because you say it…” you begin, but are cut off by Michael. “Yes, it is. I need some space right now, time to think. We should take a break.” Your eyes widen in disbelief when you hear him say that. You can feel your heart tear and a dull thump in your gut, as if you’ve been punched repeatedly with a tree trunk in the abdomen. You know right now there is nothing you can say to change Michael’s mind or convince him to let you stay. You swallow, quickly wiping away an escaped tear, picking up your bag and leaving, not exchanging another word with your now ex-boyfriend.

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