57. Cuddling

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Calum: You feel your eyelids getting heavy as the world before you blurs slightly. The faint flicker of the television is making you drowsy, but you are forcing yourself to stay awake. You don’t think Calum will forgive you if you fall asleep during another one of his favourite movies. You can’t help it, it’s late and superheroes just really aren’t your thing. You rub your eyes, trying to wake yourself up. Calum notices this out of the corner of his eyes, his big, promiscuous lips forming into a small smile, as he pulls your head into his lap. You place your cheek on his thigh, while he plays with your hair, running his finger through it slowly and absentmindedly, still focused on the movie. “It’s ok, go to sleep. I’ll tell you how it ends” he whispers in your ear suddenly, leaving a kiss along your cheek bone. You smile gratefully, finally closing your eyes and drifting into sleep.

Michael: He is lying on his back in his bed, focused purely on the book he is reading, tension in his face due to his high level of concentration. You have walked into the room to offer him a cup of tea, setting it on his night stand. You think he looks incredibly sexy, his heavy brows furrowed with intense thinking, his lips silently moving along, forming the words that he is reading. It makes you smile. You crawl onto the bed with him, climbing on top of his body, so that you are sat on his lower torso. He looks up from the book briefly, flashing you a quick grin, before diving back into whatever world he is absorbed into. You are craving affection and Michael’s warmth, so you spread out on top of his body, lying down on him, your head propped up on his chest. You lay your ear against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart, finding it weirdly soothing. Michael puts his free hand on your back, letting it trail up and down your spin, his fingers crawling along your back pleasurably. You remain like that for the next hour, engulfed in a comfortable silence, just the two of you.

Ashton: You have been looking everywhere for Ashton, finally finding him curled up on his bed, taking a nap. “Wake up!” you yell, attacking him, jumping up and down on his bed. He squints against the light, laughing sleepily at you. You grab his arms, pulling him up, so that you are now both bouncing on the mattress like five year olds, giggling ferociously. Ashton drops back onto the bed in exhaustion, dragging you down with him. You roll over, clamming onto him like a clip-on koala, your legs locking around his thighs and your arms looping around his neck, as you nuzzle your face into his neck. He chuckles, putting your hand up against his and lacing his fingers through yours. “I love you, you know that?” he whispers, his eyes glinting in the afternoon sun. “I love you too” you murmur back, kissing his chin before resting your head back in the crook of his neck, continuing the nap together.

Luke: Yet another long journey on the Gus Bus. You have lost count how many hours, days and weeks you have spent living on this tour bus, with four boys no less! You don’t know HOW Luke convinced you to tag along, or even how Liz allowed you to! You shuffle through the bus, looking for something to do. You spot Luke sitting up front with the bus driver, staring outside the window, earphones playing soft music as he day dreams. You go join him, as the seat easily fits two. He looks up, grinning widely when he sees you. “What are you listening to?” you ask him. “Taylor Swift, of course!” he jokes, teasing you. You take one of his earphones, discovering it’s actually Sleeping With Sirens, who you love as well. “I adore this song” you comment, humming along under your breath. Luke’s eyes wander over you, as if they are analysing you with wonder. “What?” you giggle nervously. “Nothing. You’re amazing is all” he smiles. Aw, Luke is being mushy! You huddle closer to him while he puts his arm around you and you lean your head against his shoulder. Even though he is so tall, he has the perfect shoulder level for you to position your head on. He places his cheek on the crown of your head, as you both watch green landscapes, farms and the occasional car wiz past, completely content in each other’s company. In that moment, you remember why you are on tour with the boys; it would be impossible for you to be away from this one for more than even a day

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