78. Your his bff's little sister/he's your bff's bro

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Michael: He made you seeth with anger. You couldn't stand him. Always so cocky and mean and cute... but you didn't tell anyone that. He also couldn't stand you, so when your brother invited him over to play video games, there was usually a lot of sarcastic comments made about his new hair color, or whatever he could find that was wrong with you. So the day that he came over and your brother wasn't there was the worst of the worst. "Hey, Papa Smurf," you answered the door. He smiled. "Hey, shortie," he said. "Your brother here?" You rolled your eyes. "He'll be home in about ten. Make yourself at home, as usual." You headed back to the kitchen, and, unfortunately, he followed you. "What're you doing?" he asked. "What does it look like I'm doing, Michael Clifford. Obviously, I am working on my English project." "Why?" "Because I want an A. Some of us need to keep a 4.0 grade average." "Why?" "Because I'm smarter than you." "Why?" "Because you're a fucking idiot." "Why?" "Michael Clifford, I swear to God, if you don't stop acting like a four-year-old right now-" "What're you going to do?" he asked, smirking a bit at your response. "Kiss me?" You rolled your eyes again. "Like that'll happen." You bit your lip nervously. Did he know that you kinda sorta maybe liked him? Michael laughed. "Aw, shortie, I'm just messing with you. But if you want, I can help you with your homework sometime. I may not have a 4.0, but I am getting an A in English." You reluctantly nodded, and he looked over your essay until your brother walked through the door, taking Michael out to play video games. He winked as he walked by you, and you looked down at your paper, not willing to admit that you were hooked.

Calum: Calum Hood. So perfect, yet so unattainable. Mostly because your best friend was Mali-koa Hood, his sister, and that would be breaking the unstated girl pact that stood. You and Calum had been friends since you were babies, so you knew each other really well. But you couldn't help but sigh after him as he passed in the hall, heading to his Algebra class. Not that you had memorized his entire schedule- you did have Algebra with him. He sat right next to you, in the third row of desks. So when you took your place, he was already there. "Hey, (y/n)!" he said, always chipper. You smiled at him, giving him a kind greeting. But the bell rang, and your teacher started her lesson, Properties of Compound Functions, ugh. After you sat through the thirty minute lecture that you didn't understand a word of, she gave you work time for the problems she had assigned you. You groaned inwardly, and started, knowing that you were doing every problem wrong. But you felt a poke in your side, and you turned to see Calum smiling at you. "Do you understand any of this?" he asked. You shook your head. He grinned again. "Maybe we can be confused together?" You smiled, and scooted your desks closer together, working through the problems together. Your bodies were less than six inches apart from each other's, a fact that was making you squeal. But, alas, the bell rang, and you were forced to pick up. Calum, though, poked your side again and asked "We didn't finish. Wanna go get a cup of coffee later and try again?" you smiled and nodded, flouncing off to next class, wondering how you would tell Mali-koa, and how she would respond to the news.

Luke: "Hey, (y/n)," your brother called to you from your seat at your desk. You were working on some hard maths homework, and you didn't want to be disturbed. "What, (y/b/n)?" you said irritated. He put his hand up in a passive gesture. "Whoa. Just wanted to tell you that some of my friends are in the backyard. We're gonna be swimming, so don't bother us," You rolled your eyes, turning back to your homework. You didn't need to bother them, if you wanted to stare at shirtless guys, all you had to do was look out the window, the pool was right beneath your bedroom. Which you took advantage of, as Luke Hemmings was also over. He was in the grade above you, and he was too cute for his own good. So when you heard the first splash, you casually looked out your window in a totally non-creeper way, watching yo brother and his five friends joking around in the pool. Your eyes immediately fell on Luke, who was spraying water into one of the other boy's face. He must have felt your eyes baring into the back of his head, because he turned around to see you looking down at them. He smiled, mostly to himself, and gave you a big wave. The other boys laughed and catcalled at him, before returning to whatever they were doing. But every now and then, when you looked out the window, you saw Luke glancing at your bedroom, making you blush when the two of you made eye contact.

Ashton: You were working on a project for Science class with your best friend (y/f/n). You had suggested that the two of you go over to her house, because, let's face it, she had the better work space... and the cuter brother. "(y/n)!" your friend called, snapping you out of your reverie, thinking about Ashton, yet again. You shook your head and sat down in your friend's living room, opening the Biology textbook. She giggled at your behavior, even though she didn't know about your crush on her brother. That was when Ashton walked in the room, and gave his sister a snarky smile. She rolled her eyes at him and said "Shoo. We're working on a project," He noticed you sitting next to her, looking at him. God, those eyes were adorable. "Hey, (y/n)," he said, blushing a bit, and looking down. "Hi Ashton," you replied shyly, feeling your cheeks as well go red. "You still hanging out with this loser?" he asked, pointing at his sister. She rolled her eyes. "Aren't you going to Harry's soccer game? You're going to be later, you know." He checked the time on his phone, and waved a goodbye to the both of you. Your friend got up and pushed Ashton playfully out of the room, smiling as she turned back around to face you. "He likes you, you know," she whispered, as he was still in earshot. "I hear him talking to his friends sometimes, when he's in his room." You sat up straighter. "Really?" You sounded too eager. (y/f/n) laughed, raising one eyebrow. "Looks like someone likes him back! Want me to tell him to ask you out?" You shook your head. "Let him do it. But just... drop a few hints for me, will you?" You grinned to yourself, happy to know that he felt the same way about you.

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